

第1个回答  2022-10-02
问题一:某某大学的“学院”用英语怎么说 学院 academic institution; college ; faculty; ....
政治学院 1. institute of political science
艺术学院 arts institute; institute of arts
农业学院 farm institute
市立学院 city college
航空学院 aviation institute; 1. aeronautical institute
文学院 faculty of arts college of liberal art; college of liberal arts; ....
工程学院 1. engineering institute ; engineering college; facul....
理学院 1. college of science ; college of science and engineering; ....
科学院 academy; Academie des Sciences ; academy of sciences....
财经学院 1. institute of finance and economics
戏剧学院 drama institute; 1. drama institute; opera institute
药学院 college of pharmacy; 1.a pharmaceutical college; a pharmaceutical institute
农学院 agronomy Acad; 1. agricultural college; college of agriculture
商学院 mercial college; business school ; mercial coll....
医学院 1.a college of medicine ; medical college; college of....
商业学院 college of business; institute of business; business ....
设计学院 design institute
船舶学院 1. shipping institute
学院的 academic; collegial; collegiate;

问题二:数学学院的英文怎么说 College / School / Faculty /Department/ ins珐itute / Academy of Mathematics

问题三:大学里的XX学院 XX专业 XX系 用英文怎么说? major in XXX , xxx depat骇ent xxx college 顺序我想应该是 专业 ---系----学院。

问题四:艺术学院用英语怎么说 1-school of art
2-College of art
3-Academy of arts

问题五:外国语学院用英语怎么说 参考:上海外国语大学:Shanghai International Studies University
北京外国语大学:Beijing Foreign Studies University

问题六:财经学院的英文怎么说 财经学院
[网络] College of Finance and Economics; Institute of Finance and Economics;
I graduated from Nanchang College of Finance and Economics in 2000. my major was insurance.

问题七:请问“信息学院”和“软件学院”的用英语怎么说? 信息学院:Information Institute
软件学院:Software Institute
如果是厂信息系:Information Department
软件系:Software Department
希望对您 有帮助

问题八:大学专业中的专业用英文怎么说 专业

English Major
I majored in English and what was your major?

问题九:麻省理工学院用英语怎么说 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology