
Language and Culture


第1个回答  2006-12-21
American Freedom is a very important day, the calendar of the United States on July 4. Since 1776, the Americans took the day as a day for celebration. During this festival, procession, picnic and pyrotechnics to create a picture of joy and meteorology; Red, blue, Stars and Stripes imitation white ribbons in the color; Americans think of a warm speech to make their traditions. July 4 is not just the United States statutory holidays, it also represents the spiritual pillar of Americans -- freedom. If you ask the ordinary people of the United States : "freedom mean? "They are probably answered : "Freedom is acted. , "a reference to freedom, Americans usually think of individualism. They regard themselves as more of a person rather than to regard itself as a family or community groups. American-style democracy aims to protect the rights of individuals are not violated, and ensure that individuals have the freedom of choice. Privacy and personal rights is a good example. In the United States, usually on behalf of individual liberty have the right to personal living space. In many American families, the children have their own bedroom, parents should hold that their children's room door. Americans to visit friends or relatives, usually should first call on the phone. Even people who are very familiar with and visit, they did not want to disturb others. For the Americans, only family including husband, wife and children. Therefore, they do not like to have relatives or outsiders to interfere in their affair. If strangers asking for their salary, age, marital status, religious belief, they will be upset. In American culture, including freedom of the meaning of equality. Declaration of Independence made equal. For Americans, equality refers to the value and equal opportunities. Everyone has equal opportunity to improve their lives. Of course, the United States is far from an ideal way to achieve this. In recent years, the indigenous people, blacks and immigrants do not always receive equal treatment in their struggle and resistance. Liberal Americans can arouse strong feelings, ideals and freedom of the people into different races together. However, the United States pushed the freedom to be able to withstand the knock very questionable. Or someone said it well : "You have the freedom to beatings with fists, but the freedom of others, only bruises."