

第1个回答  2023-06-17

"health"的读音是 /helθ/,"h"发音很轻,口音接近美式英语的发音,发音时舌头要向上卷起来,在前上颚部分呈现狭长的孔状。


1. Good health: Good health 表示健康的状态,指身体和心理都很健康。

例如:I have been able to maintain good health by exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet.(我通过经常锻炼和均衡饮食来保持健康)

2. Health check-up: 表示做身体检查的意思,以尽早发现患病或身体出现问题的时候。

例如:It is important to get a health check-up once a year to ensure that you are in good health. (每年进行一次身体检查以确保身体健康是很重要的。)

3. Health insurance: 表示健康保险,是一种保护个人医疗健康的方式。

例如:Without health insurance, it can be difficult to pay for expensive medical treatments.(没有健康保险,支付昂贵的医疗费用可能会很困难。)

4. Public health: 表示公共卫生,指整个社区或国家的健康状况.

例如:The government has a responsibility to ensure public health by providing safe drinking water, sanitation, and healthcare services.(政府有责任通过提供安全的饮用水、卫生设施和医疗卫生服务来确保公共卫生。)

5. Mental health: 指心理健康,也是健康的重要方面之一。

例如:It's important to take care of your mental health by seeking treatment for any mental health issues you may be facing.(通过寻求治疗来解决您可能面临的任何心理健康问题,是照顾您的心理健康的重要方式。)
