both, both the, both of....


第1个回答  2022-10-06
你这问题是关乎Both (of)(注:括号代表可省略)的用法 Both和Both of都可以置于与限定词(好像:the
these等)连用的名词前面。在美语中,通常用both of 如: She's eaten both (of) the apples. Both (of) my sisters like swimming. Both (of) these apples are good. 从例子中,我们看到both或both of没有分别 但若我们用both时,后面的the,或his
their通常会省略(但也可以不省略),如: She's eaten both apples. She lost both parents when she was a child. 但当我们用both of时,就不会省略限定词 所以,你四句中,除了I bought both of books外,意思一样,文法也对 希望帮到你! 2009-05-30 01:34:08 补充: 回应楼下 若是代名词,英文只会说: Both of them......,而没有Both them或Both they的说法 但若both置于代词后面则可以,如: She's invited us both. They both wanted to marry him.
I think the wer given by 001 is excellent and should be chosen as the best wer. I would like to add that the word "both" in "I bought both books." is an adjective. The word "both" in "I bought both of the books." is a promoun. I have noticed that there might be some other differences beeen the o of them. Hope 001 would enlighten us again. Both my sisters like swimming. (correct) Both of my sisters like swimming. (correct) Both of them like swimming. (correct) Both them/they like swimming. (?) Both he and his sister like wimming. (correct) They both like wimming. (correct) 2009-05-30 16:46:36 补充: Thank you 001.