
As a quintessential American writer, Mark Twain was ever and now is still praised and appreciated by his faithful readers both at home and abroad. William Dean Howells praised Mark Twain as "the Lincoln of American literature" (161). Bernard De Voto, literary critic and Mark Twain scholar, agreed, "He [Mark Twain] wrote books that have in them something eternally true to the core of his nation's life" (3). He called Mark Twain "the greatest of all American writers, not just of western American writer" (3).
2.2 Mark Twain's Two Adventures
2.2.1 Social Background of the Two Adventures
After four years of fighting in the Civil War, the industrialized North defeated the agrarian South, which not only protected the integrity of the United States as an indivisible nation, but also made America head toward capitalism. Increasing industrialization and mechanization propelled an economic boom that made America step into a prosperous age. However, industrialization brought in problems, like a significant increase in evil and crime. Meanwhile, the old customs and conventions still remained in America, such as the abolition of slavery and equal chance for everyone was not perfectly achieved since some states in the south continued to deprive of the former slaves' rights to vote through certain laws. Both the rising step and the dark side of America are reflected in Mark Twain's two Adventures composed from 1870 to 1884. In the two Adventures, under the help of the two children protagonists, Mark Twain on the one hand, showed great concern for the good nature of human beings and symbolized America's rise with Tom's and Huck's moral growth, on the other hand, threw strong criticism on the society he lived in.
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第1个回答  2010-04-09
第2个回答  2020-10-23
