

第1个回答  2023-08-24

asktheway的英文读:英/ɑːsk ðə weɪ/;美/æsk ðə weɪ/。




Politely ask the way: 礼貌地问路,表示有礼貌地向他人询问方向。

Confidently ask the way: 自信地问路,表示毫不犹豫地向他人询问方向。

Lost and ask the way: 迷路并问路,指在陌生地点迷路后向他人寻求帮助。

Ask the way to the nearest restaurant: 问路去最近的餐厅,表示询问如何前往最近的餐馆。

Tourist ask the way: 游客问路,指旅行者在陌生地方向当地人询问方向。

Ask the way to the train station: 问路去火车站,表示询问如何前往火车站。

Foreigner ask the way: 外国人问路,指外国人在异国他乡向当地人询问方向。

Politely ask the way to a landmark: 礼貌地问路去一个地标,表示有礼貌地询问如何前往某个地标。

Ask the way to the airport: 问路去机场,表示询问如何前往机场。

Lost traveler ask the way back to the hotel: 迷路的旅行者问回酒店的路,指迷路的人询问返回酒店的路线。


1、She stopped and asked the way to the nearest bus stop from a passerby. 她停下来向一个路人问了去最近的公交车站的路。

2、As a tourist in a foreign city, I often had to ask the way to popular attractions. 作为在外国城市的游客,我经常需要向人们询问前往热门景点的路。

3、Lost in the maze of narrow streets, I had to ask the way to the main square. 在狭窄的小街迷路后,我不得不向人们问去主广场的路。

4、The friendly locals were always willing to help when I asked the way. 友好的当地人总是愿意在我问路时提供帮助。

5、We were tourists in a bustling market, so we had to frequently ask the way to different stalls. 我们是熙熙攘攘的市场上的游客,所以我们不得不频繁地向人们询问去不同摊位的路。

6、If you're unsure about the directions, don't hesitate to ask the way from someone nearby. 如果你对方向不确定,不要犹豫,向附近的人问路。