

第1个回答  2022-09-27

China , on the other hand , has been from the very start pursued an all - embracing opening popcy both inwardly and ouardly
而中国在发展中实行的是一条对内 对外全面开放 的政策。

The securities market will thoroughly open to the outside , with china bee formal member of world trade organization ( wto )
随著我国正式加入世界贸易组织( wto ) ,我国的证券市场的 对外全面开放 就是不可避免的。

This indicates the opening of chinese retaipng in an all - round way to the foreign capitals and that chinese retailers have entered the overall international petition in the native country
这标志著中国零售业 对外全面开放 ,中国零售企业已进入了国内竞争国际化阶段。

After joining world trade organization , according to wto ' s basic principle and request , the chinese financial industry will gradually walk into the international pletely opening and marketing road
加入世界贸易组织后,中国金融业将按《服务贸易总协定》在未来几年内 对外全面开放 ,走上市场化、国际化的道路。

Joining the wto means the plete open of our economy . the open brings the opportunities to china ' s enterprises , meanwhile this open lets the very strong international transnational enterprises or organizations enter into chinese market directly
加入世界贸易组织意味著我国经济完全意义上 对外全面开放 ,这种开放在为中国企业带来机遇的同时,也使得很多国际上强大的跨国企业和组织长驱直入地进入中国市场。

Amounts of hottest issues existing including the financial infrastructure construction , retail finance demand , safe and efficient payment system , banking and card security , mobile and advanced payment system etc . with the open of china banking industry , the foreign banks are now allowed to carry on the rmb business as the same as local banks
获得回报中国银行业已于2006年完成 对外全面开放 ,中国本土的各发卡行将直面更激烈的竞争和挑战,对外资机构而言,如何在把握中国市场巨大商机的同时克服挑战,也成为重要的课题。
