
现代语言学英语判断题22. ( )Vowels usually constitute the nucleus of syllable,so they are typically syllabic. Consonants cannot be syllabic. The same is true of English consonants.
23. ( )X-bar theory and phrase structure rules are similar, and they play the same roles in explaining the internal structures of language.
24. ( )Transformational rules are the rules that we use to generalize the syntactic movement that occurs when a constituent in a sentence moves out of its original place to a new position.

第1个回答  2017-10-10

22. ( / )Vowels usually constitute thenucleus of syllable,so they are typically syllabic. Consonants cannot be syllabic. The same is true of English consonants.
23. ( /)X-bar theory and phrase structure rules are similar, and they play thesame roles in explaining the internal structures of language.
24. (/ )Transformational rules are the rules that we use to generalize theyntactic movement that occurs when a constituent in a sentence movesout of its original place to a new position.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2017-10-15