



第1个回答  2007-01-08
"Reconsiders one:
I believed that, the understanding is the teacher and the student inthe teaching process, through the knowledge accumulation, the shareand unceasingly thoroughly studies the contact, deepens to the thingthe understanding.
In order to understand the educational model will lead us to instructthe student independently to participate in the study well. Mostessential is this kind of study pattern displays one kind of opencharacteristic. I thought that, this educational model is similar toours music inquires into the activity. Listens in the music to enjoyin the activity comparatively to suit the use. When use, should payattention to this educational model the serviceability, cannot hardlymove.
May using the school already the abundant guest website which has,deepens understanding the teaching on-line learning environment.
Reconsiders two:
I study in this curriculum, the biggest harvest is: It changed me tostudy the way the understanding. The study should not be passive, butshould be joyful, is initiative supplementarily.
In the field research, uses this educational model, may foresee theadvantage is, it enormously enhanced the student and teacher'slearning capability, to knowledge and skill collection,reorganization, in ways and means accumulation. Possibly meets thebarrier is, the student understood the study needs time abundance andschool arrangement class hour limited between contradiction. Theunderstanding curriculum requests between the study independency andthe student virtual rating difference which the student has.
Has studied this kind of educational model, my teaching idea obtainedthe renewal. I will utilize this pattern the ponder way reto ponder myteaching link, will reconsider in the utilization, will continue inthe utilization to study."
第2个回答  2007-01-08
"Reconsiders one: I believed that, the understanding is the teacher and the student in the teaching process, through the knowledge accumulation, the share and unceasingly thoroughly studies the contact, deepens to the thing the understanding. In order to understand the educational model will lead us to instruct the student independently to participate in the study well. Most essential is this kind of study pattern displays one kind of open characteristic. I thought that, this educational model is similar to ours music inquires into the activity. Listens in the music to enjoy in the activity comparatively to suit the use. When use, should pay attention to this educational model the serviceability, cannot hardly move. May using the school already the abundant guest website which has, deepens understanding the teaching on-line learning environment.

Reconsiders two: I study in this curriculum, the biggest harvest is: It changed me to study the way the understanding. The study should not be passive, but should be joyful, is initiative supplementarily. In the field research, uses this educational model, may foresee the advantage is, it enormously enhanced the student and teacher's learning capability, to knowledge and skill collection, reorganization, in ways and means accumulation. Possibly meets the barrier is, the student understood the study needs time abundance and school arrangement class hour limited between contradiction. The understanding curriculum requests between the study independency and the student virtual rating difference which the student has. Has studied this kind of educational model, my teaching idea obtained the renewal. I will utilize this pattern the ponder way reto ponder my teaching link, will reconsider in the utilization, will continue in the utilization to study."本回答被提问者采纳