

第1个回答  2022-10-17
内容: Little Red Riding Hood is talk about a little young girl that who is going to visit her grandma. Before that
her mom had told her so many time that not to talk with stanger. But eventually
she is a girl who don't listen to the *** advice. On the way of visit her grandma
she had meet the big bad wolf. What the wolf thinking is ate her up
but she don't know about that. She had totally fot her mother advice and talk with the wolf
she even tell the wolf the address of her grandma. When the wolf hear that
it had got a new plan. And that plan is to pretended to be her sick grandma
so he ran ahead before her. When she is arrive
she note that something is different. And that is her grandma! She note that her grandma seem to be change
by the time the wolf discover that she had noted that. He is try to eat her up
but luckly
a hunter have walk by and killed the wolf and safe her life. And having a happy ending. 喜欢小红帽原因: I like that story because that really teach me a lesson
which say
" Don't talk to a stanger and don't fet your parent or *** advice. " Beside that
I also that the fun things that have going on beeen or during the story. Especilly the climax of the story
like the part where say Little Rid Riding Hood is indanger. I would really perfer every child to read that book. 我打到好努力,把最佳解答留给我吧。 信我吧 ! 因为我是在美国瓄书的.
参考: Myself
Little red riding hood is about a little girl who was eaten by a big bad wolf. On the way to visit her grandmother
she met the big bad wolf. The wolf wanted to eat Little red riding hood so he pretended to be her sick grandmother. Eventually
he ate her up. Luckily
a nice hunter killed the wolf and saved little red riding hood. I like this story because it teaches me a very good moral : you should not trust everyone you see because there are traps everywhere.
参考: me