英语单选 最好有详细解释

1. What kind of music is your_____?
A. favorable
B. favorite
C. favor
D. fate
满分:10 分
2. More information becomes _____through the use of the internet.
A. attainable
B. available
C. approachable
D. applicable
满分:10 分
3. It is not _____to quarrel with your boss.
A. worthy
B. worth
C. value
D. valuable
满分:10 分
4. I asked the bank for a _____.
A. loaf
B. load
C. loan
D. loam
满分:10 分
5. We need a skilled_____ to take care of our delicate mechanism.
A. technician
B. technology
C. technique
D. technological
满分:10 分
6. I want to_____ to act as nurse to fight against SARS.
A. violence
B. visit
C. virus
D. volunteer
满分:10 分
7. Many source of information can _____ our chances of getting in touch with the current event in the world.
A. expend
B. imagine
C. limit
D. enhance
满分:10 分
8. The experiment involves _____ on some mice.
A. to operating
B. operating
C. to be operating
D. in operating
满分:10 分
9. He left the spot immediately, afraid of being ____ in the car accident.
A. connected
B. taken
C. seated
D. involved
满分:10 分
10. Don’t take everything in the book for _____.
A. granted
B. granting
C. grants
D. grant
满分:10 分

第1个回答  2010-11-21
1.B,选名词,favorite 特别喜欢的人(或物),喜欢的事物

2.B,available adj. 可用的

3.A,be worthy to do sth.值得去做某事

4.C,loan n. 借款

5.A,technician n. 技术人员, 专家; 技巧好的人

6.D,volunteer vi. 当志愿兵

7.D. enhance vt.提高, 增加, 加强;增进,增大

8.B,operating 名词

9.D,involve in 被牵涉到

10.B,granting 名词本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-11-21
bbaca ddbda 全都是单词意思理解 没有语法本回答被提问者采纳