

第1个回答  2022-10-03
英语的比较结构主要有:,,the most...结构。通常,单音节词和少数双音节词加词尾-er构成比较级,其他双音节词和多音节词在前面加more构成比较级。, 一、基本用法: , 1.形容词比较级+than: ,  Jack is taller than Tom., 名词+than :,  Lucy spent more money on books than her sister., 3.不定冠词/零冠词+形容词比较级+名词+than: ,  Tom is a more efficient worker than Jack., +比较级+of词组: ,  Lucy is the taller of the o girls.(两个中较……的一个), 5.比较级形式表达最高级含义:比较级+than any other+单数名词:(比其他任何……都……)  ,  Lucy is taller than any other girl in her class. 露西比班上任何一个女孩都高。(即露西是班上最高的女生。), 二、特殊用法: , and more...(越来越……) ,  Lucy bees more and more beautiful., ..., the...(越……就越……) ,  The harder we work, the more progress we will make., 3.比较级前可加much,a lot, far, even, still, a little, no, any等表示程度的词来修饰。       ,  The job is far more difficult than before., 4. more和less用作代词,与某些可等级名词搭配: ,  He is more/ less of a sport *** an than his best friend.,  =He is more/ less sport *** anlike than his best friend., 5.表示倍数的比较级用法: ,  倍数+ the + size / length / depth /height +of, =倍数+ as +形容词原级+ as, =倍数+比较级+than,  The new building is three times the height of the old one. (这座新楼是旧楼的三倍高。), =The new building is three times as high as the old one., =The new building is ice higher than the old one.