

第1个回答  2023-05-15




1、Why is it that reputable young men are as scarce as millionaires in Sand City?为什么沙市有名望的年轻人,少得就跟百万富翁一样?

2、The is land's dry savannah climate is punctuated by pristine, white sand beaches.岛屿上干燥的草原性气候被原始的白沙海滩加重。

3、HCR Tamping rammer, is used to compact the gravel, sand in road construction.冲夯机适用于公路建造中台背处回填土砂石压实;

4、The caption reads, "As the sand advances, we retreat."标题写着:“沙进我退”。

5、And that is precisely the conclusion many of my brethren on Sand Hill Road have drawn.这正是我砂山道那帮兄弟们得出的结论。

6、Practice of Dry Sand Filling and Compaction by Vibration in EPC.消失模铸造干砂振动紧实的生产实践

7、Study on Aeolian Sand Movement Law in Ulanbuhe Desert.乌兰布和沙漠风沙运动规律研究

8、The is land's blue sea, white sand beaches and the forests are well worth seeing.岛上蓝色的大海,白色的沙滩和森林都很值得一看。

9、Glass bulbs were joined by a narrow tunnel of glass, and fine, dry sand was placed in the top bulb.用狭长的玻璃通道把玻璃泡连接起来,把干燥的细沙放在上面的玻璃泡内。

10、The surface is uneven and crumbly, so it allows soil or sand be filled in by 90%.面层外观凹凸不平,材质疏松柔韧,留有90%以上的空间可充填土壤及沙粒。