


第1个回答  2010-06-28
1) Welcome to the 2010 Best Singer Awards!
2) I think today's Award Ceremony will be spectacular!
3) With so many people watching such a huge award ceremony, it's making me a little nervous, but I'll try my best to host the ceremony
4) Before the award ceremony begins, I would like to invite Li Si to bring us a legendary song.
5) Now(英文不会说“下面”的), I would like to ask Mr. Lau to present the best singer award
6) Would the award recipient please say a few words, please?(没有直译, 英文一般是说请得奖歌手说几句话的)
第2个回答  2010-06-28
1.Welcome to tthe Award Ceremony of the best singer in 2010.
2.I guess today's ceremony must be excellent.
3.So many people are concern about it,So grand a ceremony,I feel a little nervious, but...
4.Before the ceremony, Lisi is welcome to sing a sweet song.
5.next, Please Mr. Liu award for the best singer.
6.please the best singer express hie feelings,thank you!
第3个回答  2010-06-30
1, welcome to 2010 year best singer awards!
2 I think today's ceremony will be very jing.
3, so many people, so grand ceremony, I feel a little nervous, but I will try my best to host good ceremony.
4 the first before, please bring us money.the classic songs.
5 please for the best singer liu awards.
6 please do the award singer.本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2010-06-29
1.Welcome to tthe Award Ceremony of the best singer in 2010.
2.I guess today's ceremony must be excellent.
3.So many people are concern about it,So grand a ceremony,I feel a little nervious, but...
4.Before the ceremony, Lisi is welcome to sing a sweet song.
5.next, Please Mr. Liu award for the best singer.
6.please the best singer express hie feelings,thank you!