

第1个回答  2022-07-16

1. 少年维特之烦恼经典段落

How happy I am that I am gone! My dear friend, what a thing is the heart of man! To leave you, from whom I have been inseparable, whom I love so dearly, and yet to feel happy! I know you will forgive me. Have not other attachments been specially appointed by fate to torment a head like mine? Poor Leonora! and yet I was not to blame. Was it my fault, that, whilst the peculiar charms of her sister afforded me an agreeable entertainment, a passion for me was engendered in her feeble heart? And yet am I wholly blameless? Did I not encourage her emotions? Did I not feel charmed at those truly genuine expressions of nature, which, though but little mirthful in reality, so often amused us? Did I not -- but oh! what is man, that he dares so to accuse himself? My dear friend I promise you I will improve; I will no longer, as has ever been my habit, continue to ruminate on every petty vexation which fortune may dispense; I will enjoy the present, and the past shall be for me the past. No doubt you are right, my best of friends, there would be far less suffering amongst mankind, if men -- and God knows why they are so fashioned -- did not employ their imaginations so assiduously in recalling the memory of past sorrow, instead of bearing their present lot with equanimity. Be kind enough to inform my mother that I shall attend to her business to the best of my ability, and shall give her the earliest information about it. I have seen my aunt, and find that she is very far from being the disagreeable person our friends allege her to be. She is a lively, cheerful woman, with the best of hearts. I explained to her my mother's wrongs with regard to that part of her portion which has been withheld from her. She told me the motives and reasons of her own conduct, and the terms on which she is willing to give up the whole, and to do more than we have asked. In short, I cannot write further upon this subject at present; only assure my mother that all will go on well. 谢谢 楼主采纳 选段。

2. 《少年维特之烦恼》英文简介

The Sorrows of Young Werther (Die Leiden des jungen Werther, originally published as Die Leiden des jungen Werthers) is an epistolary and loosely autobiographical novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, first published in 1774. A major scene prominently features Goethe's own German translation of a portion of James Macpherson's Ossian cycle of poems, which were originally presented as translations of ancient works, and were later found to have been written by Macpherson.Werther was an important novel of the Sturm und Drang movement in German literature. It was one of Goethe's few works in the movement before he, with Friedrich von Schiller, began the Weimar Classicism movement. It also influenced Romantic literature that followed.The book made Goethe become one of the first true literary celebrities. Towards the end of his life, a trip to Weimar and a personal visit was crucial in any young man's tour of Europe.The majority of The Sorrows of Young Werther is presented as a collection of letters written by Werther, a young artist of a highly sensitive and passionate temperament, and sent to his friend Wilhelm. In these letters, Werther gives a very intimate account of his stay in the fictional village of Wahlheim (based on the town of Garbenheim, near Wetzlar). He is enchanted by the simple ways of the peasants there. He meets and falls instantly in love with Lotte, a beautiful young girl who is taking care of her siblings following the death of their mother. Lotte is, however, already engaged to a man named Albert, who is in fact 11 years her senior. Despite the pain this causes Werther, he spends the next few months cultivating a close friendship with both of them. His pain eventually becomes so great that he is forced to leave and go to Weimar. While he is away, he makes the acquaintance of Fräulein von B. He suffers a great embarrassment, he forgetfully visits a friend on the day when the entire aristocratic set normally meets there. He returns to Wahlheim after this, where he suffers more than he did before, partially because Lotte and Albert are now married. Every day serves as a torturous reminder that Lotte will never be able to requite his love. Out of pity for her friend and respect for her husband, Lotte comes to the decision that Werther must not visit her so frequently. He visits her one final time, and there, both overcome with emotion after Werther's recitation of a portion of Ossian, they kiss. Werther had realized even before this incident that one of them--Lotte, Albert, or Werther himself--must die. Unable to hurt anyone else, Werther sees no other choice but to take his own life. After composing a farewell letter (to be found after he commits suicide), he writes to Albert asking for two pistols, under a pretence that he is going hunting. Lotte receives the request with great emotion and sends the pistols, despite understanding what he will do with them. Werther then shoots himself.。

3. 小妇人、少年维特之烦恼、嘉莉妹妹

















人到了中年,在青春活力停止发展和衰老的趋势到来之间,往往会有一 个时期,两种趋势几乎处于完全平衡的状态,大会向两面发展。可是,过了 些时候,这种平衡会向死亡一面下陷。起先很慢,然后会稍微快些,最后会 以最快的速度走向死亡。

生命本来始终像是一种珍贵的东西,但是现在,老是没得吃,体力也衰 弱了,已使人世的美景大为减色,难以觉察了。



4. 少年维特的烦恼中的经典语录


2,我绝不会再像以前一样,把命运加给我们的一点儿不幸拿来反复咀嚼(念念不忘);我要享受现时,过去e5a48de588b6e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad9431333337613932的事就让它过去吧。3,人要是不那么死心眼,不那么执著地去追忆往惜的不幸,会更多的考虑如何对现时处境泰然处之,那么人的苦楚就会小的多 .4, 我在笑我自己的心 我听从他的调遣.5,如果你问我这儿的人怎么样,那我只能说:和别处一个样。









5. 《少年维特之烦恼》有几句经典的语句是什么






6. 少年维特之烦恼 精彩语句加赏析 求10句











