
澳 洲大陆是世界上最古老的土地之一,因侵蚀而裸露的大陆基岩已有30亿年。同时,澳洲也是最平坦的大陆。除南极以外,它是降雨量最少的大陆。大片土地是干旱或半干旱的,不适宜人们定居。
澳大利亚大陆是地球上最大的岛屿,也是地球上最小和最平坦的陆地。澳大利亚位于南纬10度到39度之间。澳洲大陆的最高点科西斯科山仅有2228米。其地形的特点是古老而又平坦。因此,乌云吹过时不会受到高山的阻拦,导致全国大部分地区缺少充足的降雨。除南极外,澳大利亚是降雨量最少的大陆。澳大利亚拥有灌溉良好的肥沃土地。这一土地资源得到了充分有效的利用,以帮助养活世界人口。在干旱地区可以放牧牛羊,但是必须精心保护土壤。当澳大利亚降雨量的周期比较长时,就会出现干旱,一些牧场将变成沙漠。 澳大利亚联邦由六个州和两个地区组成。内陆的边界大部分是沿着经纬线划定的。西澳大利亚是最大的一个州,其面积与整个西欧一样大。

第1个回答  2015-11-25
For many years, the continent of Australia has been alone in other continents, other animals on the continent, almost no contact with the outside world, in addition to the indigenous people, because they are considered to be the ancient times from the Asian continent to migrate over the past. This situation has led to a very unique form of the Australian continent.
Australia is second only to Russia, Canada, China, the United States and Brazil, the world's sixth largest land area. But it has a low population. Australia is the only country in the world that has jurisdiction over the entire continent and its outlying islands.
The continent is one of the oldest land in the world, and has been exposed by erosion to the bedrock of the continent for 3000000000 years. At the same time, Australia is also the most flat continent. Except for the south pole, it is the least amount of rainfall. Vast land is arid or semi-arid, not suitable for people to live.
Australia is in the tropics and sub tropics, and the Tropic of Capricorn through the middle, about 1/3 of the region is tropical, other parts of the temperate zone, so the northern part of the climate is tropical, southern moderate. The most cold regions in the Tasmania plateau region and the southeast corner of the platform and the mainland. Affected by the subtropical high pressure belt and the southeast trade winds, desert and semi desert areas accounted for 35%, western central plateau and desert area belongs to the tropical desert climate, average annual rainfall less than 250 mm; Peninsula and northern coastal belonged to the tropical steppe climate, annual rainfall of up to 750 to 2000 mm; Eastern New England mountain to the south to Tasmania is a temperate broad-leaved forest climate, annual rainfall of 500 to 1200 mm; the Murray River downstream and, in the southwest corner of the genus summer heat and drought, winter warm rainy Mediterranean climate, annual rainfall of 500 ~ 1000 mm. The climate is characterized by hot, dry, decreasing from north, East, South to the inland and Western precipitation, climate and vegetation types were semi annular distribution.
Australia is the largest island in the world, and is the smallest and most flat land on earth. Australia is located at latitude 10 degrees to 39 degrees. Australia, the highest point kocisko mountain is only 2228 meters. Its topography is characterized by an old and flat. Therefore, the clouds will not be blocked by the high mountain, resulting in the lack of adequate rainfall in most parts of the country. Except for the south pole, Australia is the least amount of rainfall. Australia has good irrigation and fertile land. This land resource has been fully and effectively utilized to help feed the world's population. In arid regions, cattle and sheep, but must be carefully protected soil. When Australia's rainfall in a long period of time, there will be dry, some pasture will become a desert. The Commonwealth of Australia is made up of six states and two regions. The border of the interior is mostly along the latitude and longitude lines. West Australia is the largest state, and its size is as big as the whole of Europe.
Australia can be divided into three regions, as has 3 different styles of the continent:
Eastern Australia mountain, big elevation of 800 to 1000 meters, long from north to South 2800 kilometers, Dongpo steep and gentle west slope, North South high-low, the main peak of Mount Kosciuszko altitude 2230 meters, is the highest point. The northern section of the mountain called the Great Dividing Range, central said mountains of New England, Liverpool mountain, blue mountains, Southern said Australia mountains, the mountains to the south across the Bass Strait, on the island of Tasmania in the mountain.
Central Plains area, by the great divide fertile slopes to the West extension, grazing area through the semi dry, direct rock dunes across the desert zone in Australia, "red" is a pile of the majority of the platform. Below 200 meters above sea level, small ups and downs, the North called Carpentaria plain, in the central part of the basin called the Great Artesian Basin, basin in El lake is Australia's largest alkaline lake, 12 meters lower than the sea, for the country's lowest point, it is Australias most dry regions, every hundred years only a few times water. The southern Murray Darling River - River Plain, a dry denudation in southern Australia bay along the Nullarbor plain. The Central Plains have a larger "Lake", which is the great self - flow basin. The place of sandstone cracks, the water flowing from the great dividing range can stored in sandstone, became the water, for use in Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia the vast territory.
Western plateau area, most of the desert semi desert, 200 ~ 500 meters above sea level, there are some 1000 to 1200 meters above sea level, the mountain range. The average altitude of the central part of the west is about 450 meters above sea level. Dry climate, all over the desert and semi desert. There are three big desert, from the north to the south for the great desert, desert and Vitoria desert Gibson. Desert water more places, the growth of Casuarina trees and sparse dwarf shrubs.追问



