

第1个回答  2022-07-12
                      — 《道德经》第三章


It will help to eliminate the conflict of people not to advocate any sages; it will help to eliminate the theft not to promote any treasures;  and it will help to eliminate the confusions of mind not to illustrate any desires.

Therefore the prophet, in the exercise of his rule, empties their minds, fills their bellies, weakens their wills, and strengthens their bones.

He constantly tries to keep them without moralization and without desire, and keep the smart ones from presuming to act on it. Wherever there is the rule of such noninterference, good order is universal.


“无欲”比较好理解,前面一章讲过。这里最容易误解的是“无知”,很容易被误解为愚民政策。其实这个联系本段的“不尚贤”就很好理解了,这是一个儒墨思想的对立面,儒墨都是“尚贤”的,儒家讲:“丘闻之,民之所由生,礼为大… …君子以此之为尊敬然,然后以其所能教百姓,不废其会节。”《礼记·哀公问》,总之是有一堆像“三纲五常”“男女授受不亲”之类大道理要教给老百姓,而这里“无知”就是说百姓不要被统治者有意教化和误导,保留本来的淳朴。所以这里的翻译成moralization。中国文化的一些负面因素不能说和传统文化没有关系,传统文化思想中所谓“亲亲相隐”、“为尊者讳”、“为贤者讳”、根据个人好恶改编历史的所谓“春秋笔法”,仍然起着负面作用,妨害了对真理的追求,阻碍了国家和社会的进步,这里的“无知”意思有点像是《皇帝的新装》那个小男孩,无知无畏,敢说真话,不要被教导得偏执了。

