英语讽刺 关于英语幽默中讽刺的例子(至少4个)


第1个回答  2022-07-28
1.Plumber(水暖工):I’m sorry I was late.
Man:While we were waiting for you,I taught my wife how to swim.
2.As soon as Eve ate the apple of wisdom[智慧],she reached for the fig(无花果) leaf;
when a woman begins to think,her first thought is of a new dress.
3.Son:Remember,Dad,Thomas Edison got bad grades in school,too.
Father:Stay in your room until you invented the light bulb.
4.I am convinced that both my long age and exceptional health are to be explained by
an obvious facts:I never touched a cigarette,a drink,or a girl until I was almost ten
years old.
5.Employer to applicant:"In this job we need someone who is responsible."
Applicant:"I'm the one you want.On my last job,every time anything went wrong,
they said I was responsible."