

中文原文:A: 朋友们,你们好!我们大家相互之间都好久不见了,今天我找大家来是讨论一个关于榜样利弊的话题。最近,我正在看一本关于奥运冠军刘翔的书,这本书讲了这些年刘翔的成名过程以及成名后的影响。这本书使我对榜样的利弊问题产生了疑惑。我想听听大家对这个问题的看法。B,你先来吧!B:好吧!我先来说一下我在这方面的观点。我认为作为一个榜样,其主要是起到一个积极的作用。比如,刘翔的例子就是一个很好的例子。在运动场上,刘翔通过艰苦地训练不断挑战自己的极限,为我们国家赢得了荣誉。一方面,他的成绩鼓舞了全国老百姓,增强了他们的自信心和民族自豪感;另一方面,他的艰苦拼搏的过程也深深地影响了一大批人(尤其是青少年),这种精神号召着年轻人在工作和学习中奋发图强,不断进取!有些人会认为,当刘翔一样的人一旦成为公众以后,他会为获取大量的金钱去代言广告。但从另一方面来说,这种代言有助于普通人更好地选择商品。C:对不起!我不完全同意B的观点,因为他没有考虑到这些对榜样自身的影响!像B所说的那样,榜样是给一个国家和集体带来了众多好处。但是对于其个人来说,其弊远大于利。对于刘翔来说,虽然他获得了名誉和经济利益。但是,他却丧失了自己的自由。作为一个公众人物,他必须每天面对很多人的关注,必须承受很多媒体正面和负面的评论,必须把自己的隐私暴露在公众的眼皮底下。同时,他身背着巨大的责任,很多时候往往有很大的压力,这些压力也会促使他告别那些原本的辉煌。D:嗯……B和C都有他们各自的道理!但是,我还是偏向于B的观点。一个人是否成为榜样是他自己无法选择的,他能选择的只是,成为一个好的榜样或差的榜样。作为一个公众人物,他要时刻记住自己的责任而不计较个人的得失。在比赛和生活中保持自律,敢于将各种关注转化为取得更好成绩的动力!

第1个回答  2013-12-24
A: friends, hello! We each other long time no see, today I find you tobe a debate about the pros and cons of topic model. Recently, I was reading a book about the Olympic champion Liu Xiang book, this book is about the process of Liu Xiang's fame and influence of fame. This book gives me the pros and cons of model generated doubt. I'd like to hear your opinions on the problem. B, you go first!
B: okay! I'd like to talk about my views on the subject. I think as an example, the main is to play a positive role. For example, Liu Xiang's case is a good example of. In the athletic field, Liu Xiang through thetough training constantly challenge their own limits, won the honor for our country. On the one hand, his success inspired the people,enhance their self-confidence and national pride; on the other hand,his hard work has deeply affected a large number of people(especially teenagers), this spirit is called on young people will sendout in work and learning, continuous improvement! Some people will think, when people like Liu Xiang once they become public, he will go to the advertisement for a lot of money. But on the other hand, this endorsement helps ordinary people to better selection of goods.
C: I'm sorry! I don't quite agree with B, because he did not consider these to model their influence! Like B said, example is brought many benefits to a country and collective. But for the person, the disadvantages of great benefit. For Liu Xiang, though he gainedreputation and economic benefits. However, he lost his freedom. As a public figure, he has to face a lot of attention every day, must bear a lot of media both positive and negative comments, must put their privacy in the eyes of the public. At the same time, he carries great responsibility, often have a lot of pressure, the pressure would enable him to bid farewell to those originally brilliant.
D: well...... B and C have their own truth! However, I still prefer the Bview. Whether a person as an example he is unable to choose, but hecan choose, be a good role model or a bad example. As a public figure, he should always remember their responsibility and do not care about personal gains and losses. Maintaining the discipline in the gameand life, dare to various power conversion to obtain better results