

第1个回答  2022-11-17

1. 英语作文:用初中八种时态的被动时态写一篇作文,谢了,我高分悬赏

I am loved by you

When I first came to the world, I cried, but you *** iled at me. I knew I was loved by you. When I got good mark, we cheered together, I knew you love me as well. Now I am growing up, you *** ile at me in the same way. Yeah, I am loved by you.

Love makes me feel happy, lively and warm. I like the feeling while you love me. Mom and Dad, do you know?Because of the love, I grew better and better. I find that I must love you, too. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your love and care. I can't pay for your patience.

I am loved by you and I love you.



2. 悬赏50分

I always help the other students in my class with their lessons.This week,I will also do so,because 5th,March is the day for us to learn from Leifeng. Last term,I used to get a reward for my doing,for I had helped nearly 20 students with their English.And since then,I have kept doing such kind of things for another term.I am thinking that I will be praised by my teachers and clas *** ates again this time.Some teachers were talking about the models in the office just now when I entered.Hearing that,I was very happy. They told me that they had already decided to choose me again to be the model.But I think I will still work hard for my teachers and clas *** ates。

3. 英语作文:包含八种时态的自我介绍

⑴ I always help the other students in my class with their lessons.This week,I will also do so,because 5th,March is the day for us to learn from Leifeng. Last term,I used to get a reward for my doing,for I had helped nearly 20 students with their English.And since then,I have kept doing such kind of things for another term.I am thinking that I will be praised by my teachers and clas *** ates again this time.Some teachers were talking about the models in the office just now when I entered.Hearing that,I was very happy. They told me that they had already decided to choose me again to be the model.But I think I will still work hard for my teachers and clas *** 。

⑴ I always help the other students in my class with their lessons.This week,I will also do so,because 5th,March is the day for us to learn from Leifeng. Last term,I used to get a reward for my doing,for I had helped nearly 20 students with their English.And since then,I have kept doing such kind of things for another term.I am thinking that I will be praised by my teachers and clas *** ates again this time.Some teachers were talking about the models in the office just now when I entered.Hearing that,I was very happy. They told me that they had already decided to choose me again to be the model.But I think I will still work hard for my teachers and clas *** ates.⑵It is a nice day. my hu *** and is working in his pany and i am shopping in the market. i remember my hu *** and told me last night that he wanted to eat fied chicken. i have bought some and will cook them as supper. i love my hu *** and. i am always recalling our sweet yore. when we met each other for the first time, he was eating the fried chicken. He said it was his favourate and he had eaten ten hunk of it. He is so intereting,charming and cute that makes me love him deep.And i have been pregnant. By the end of this year, i will have our own baby. i think at that time i will be laughing with tears because i am the happiest woman and mother in the world.纯复制粘贴 随便采纳与否 望对君有帮助。

4. 用英语八种时态写一段话,《八种都要》急

it rains 现在时

it is rainning 现在进行时

it is going to rain 一般将来时

it was rainning at that time 过去进行时

He has done the work 现在完成时

He had done the work 过去完成时

He went to the park yesterday 一般过去时

He had been reading the novel PM 2 last night 过去完成进行时

5. my dream 英语作文 要用八种时态

my dream

my dream is to bee a teacher,and it will be not an easy thing to do. why do i want to be a teacher? first, being a teacher has been one of my dreams since my childhood. when i was a *** all boy,i saw our village education condition was prtty limited because our village was so poor. it was often drewing from the roor when we had lessons.therefore.when i studyed in the primary school, my dream had turned to plant in my heart.at that time, i sweared i would change my life becauce this dream has been hiding in my inner heart.so i do my efforts to make my dream e true.despite of a lot of difficulty and hardship, i believe my dream will be realized.

6. “我在做作业

一般现在时:I do my homework 一般过去时:I did my homework 一般将来时:I will do my homework. 现在进行时:I am doing my homework 现在完成时:I have done my homework 过去进行时:I was doing my homework 过去完成时:I had done my homework注意使用一般现在时的时候要注意三单,学生总是错!注意使用一般过去时的时候要注意特殊的变化注意使用一般将来时的时候要注意will be=be going to。

7. 八种时态写句子

一般现在时:He goes to work very early every day.他每天早早的去上班.

I go to school by bike every day.我每天骑车上学.

一般过去时:He didn't go to work yesterday.他昨天没上班.

She went to the cinema.她去了电影院.

一般将来时:He will go to the south to work next week.下周,他要去南方工作.

I'm going to the USA tomorrow.我明天要去美国.

过去将来时:He said he would telephone me when he got there.他说他到了那里会给我打电话.

She said she would be invited to speak at the meeting.她说她被邀请在会议上发言.

现在进行时:I'm going to the post office.我正在去邮局.

The swimming pool is being repaired.这个游泳池正在被准备中.

过去进行时:I was reading when he came back.他回来的时候我正在看书.

I asked him to help me,but he was going to the railway station to meet a friend.我请求他的帮助,但他要去地铁站见朋友.

现在完成时:He has gone to the south on business.他已经去上海出差了.

I have tought English for 20 years.我教英语二十年了.

过去完成时:He said that he has seen the film.他说他看过那部电影.

By six o'clock,I had finished my experiment.在六点之前,我就已经做完实验了.