

第1个回答  2022-06-22
I. 非谓语动词做主语

1. 动词不定式=主语。

To serve the people is my duty. 

2. 动名词=主语。

Looking after the children is her job. 

3. 如果动词不定式/动名词很长,可以用 it 代替。

It is no use talking to him . 

It is standard practice for a company like this one to employ a security officer . 

II. 非谓语动词做宾语

1. 动词不定式=动词宾语


He pretends to understand her words .

2. 动词不定式=介词宾语


She had nothing to do but stay at home . (有do省to)

He had no choice but to meet a greater challenge . (无do留to)

3. 动名词=动词宾语


I suggested going to the exhibition next week . 

4. 动名词=介词宾语

at、in、for、with、without、when it comes to、get down to。

My sister is good at playing the piano . 

5. 动词不定式+动名词=动词宾语



I intend to finish the task this morning . 

I intend finishing the task this morning . 



I remember turning off the lights when I went out of the lab. (灯已经关了)

I remember to turn off the lights when I leave the lab. (灯还没关)

III. 非谓语动词做宾语补足语。

1. 动词不定式 = 宾补



The teacher didn't allow the students to go swimming in the lake .


使役动词+感官动词:make、let、have 、see、hear、watch、observe、notice、feel、look at、listen to。

The director had her assistant pick up some hot dogs for the meeting.

2. 分词 = 宾补

(1)现在分词 = 正在进行。

I looked up and noticed a snake winding its way up the tree . 

(2)过去分词 = 被动且已完成。

I heard a song sung in English .

IV. 非谓语动词做主语补足语

1. 动词不定式 = 主补


The visitors are requested  to carry only one handbag .


His little sister was made to cry by him.

2. 现在分词 = 主补

The man was seen climbing into the shop .

V. 非谓语动词做定语

1. 动词不定式做定语


I have an article to write today .


The decision to be made at the meeting will influence the future of our company.

2. 现在分词做定语


The man standing under the tree is his father.


The building being built will be a hospital.

3. 过去分词做定语——已经完成

After completing and signing it, please return the form to us in the envelope provided .

VI. 连词+非谓语动词

since、when、while、whenever、no matter how、once、until、if

1. 主动态

When walking on the street , he saw an old friend. 

2. 被动态

When first introduced to the market , these products enjoyed great success.

VII. 独立主格结构