

第1个回答  2008-01-11
The name is Liming, and i am a grade-three student in a high school. As the National Matriculation Tests are coming, recently, i conducted a servey among 100 students, 50 boys and 50 girls, about choosing their future career. The survey shows that 25% boys and 15% girls would like to be businessmen or businesswomen in future and only 5% of boys and 35% of boys choose to be teachers. As for doctor, the numbers are the same, 15%. Being a scientist is 30% boys and 15%girls' dream. 5%of boys and girls prefer to be a lawyer. To my surprise, there are 5% of them who don't know. And i hope the survey will be of use to you.

Dear Editor,

My name is Liming, a high school student of grade three. As the University Entrance Examination is coming, I have made a survey to 100 students, including fifty-fifty girls and boys, on the topic of the careers they are going to choose. According to the result 25 percent of boys wanted to become a businessman while the rate of girls was 15 percent. Teacher seemed a good choice for girls since 35 percent of them took this as their choice but only 5 percent of boys made the same decision, because boys would rather pay more attention to become a scientist. And this rate came up to 30 percent comparing with the girls’ 15 percent. Another career which equally won both the choice of girls and boys with 5 percent is layer. However still 5 percent of either girls or boys didn’t make up their mind.

I hope my above survey may interest you and can be published in the school newspaper. Thanks for your patience.

Sincerely yours,

第2个回答  2008-01-12
The name is Liming, and i am a grade-three student in a high school. As the National Matriculation Tests are coming, recently, i conducted a servey among 100 students, 50 boys and 50 girls, about choosing their future career. The survey shows that 25% boys and 15% girls would like to be businessmen or businesswomen in future and only 5% of boys and 35% of boys choose to be teachers. As for doctor, the numbers are the same, 15%. Being a scientist is 30% boys and 15%girls' dream. 5%of boys and girls prefer to be a lawyer. To my surprise, there are 5% of them who don't know. And i hope the survey will be of use to you.

Dear Editor,

My name is Liming, a high school student of grade three. As the University Entrance Examination is coming, I have made a survey to 100 students, including fifty-fifty girls and boys, on the topic of the careers they are going to choose. According to the result 25 percent of boys wanted to become a businessman while the rate of girls was 15 percent. Teacher seemed a good choice for girls since 35 percent of them took this as their choice but only 5 percent of boys made the same decision, because boys would rather pay more attention to become a scientist. And this rate came up to 30 percent comparing with the girls’ 15 percent. Another career which equally won both the choice of girls and boys with 5 percent is layer. However still 5 percent of either girls or boys didn’t make up their mind.

I hope my above survey may interest you and can be published in the school newspaper. Thanks for your patience.

第3个回答  2008-01-14
Dear Editor,

This is Li Ming, a Year 3 student from a high school. We soon will sit the College Entrance Examinations. Taking this opportunity, I conducted a survey about the future careers the students on the same grade may want to have.

100 students, where both males and females contributed a half, were interviewed. The results are listed in the following table.

Career Males (%) Females (%)
Businessmen 25 15
Teacher 5 35
Doctor 15 15
Scientist 30 15
Lawyer 5 5
Unknown/ 5 5
Not yet decided

From the above figures, it is clear that most of the interviewees have already made up their minds on the future careers. Although quite a large portion of boys want to be businessmen (25%), more want to be scientists (30%) which means continuing studies. Teacher seems to be an ideal career for the girls. 35% of them choose teacher as their career. On the contrary, only 5% boys want to be a teacher.

There are both 20% of boys and girls choosing professional fields. However, doctor is more favourable than layer among the students. Both 15% of boys and girls choose doctor while only the remaining 5% choose lawyer.

It is very exciting that 90% of the interviewees have made decisions on the future careers. However, there are still 5% of boys and 5% of girls have not made up their minds yet. It is quite worrying if they still cannot decide their path in a short time.

I hope the survey may interest you and would be published in your school English newspaper / magazine. Should you have any enquires, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or on phone at 13456789012. Thank you very much for your kind attentions.

Best regards,
Li Ming
第4个回答  2008-01-12
Dear editor,
My name is Li Ming.I am a senior student of a high school. The College Entrance Examination is drawing near.It means that we will have to make a choice about what kind of subject we want to learn in university,which will play an important in our future career. A survey was carried out recently in our school about what kind of subjects you want to pick.One hundred students are involed in it,in which half of them are boys and the other half are girls.25% of the boys are willing to be businessmen and just 15% of girls want to do so.Some of them want to be teachers,5% boys choose this job while girls take up 35%.5% of each boys and girls do not know what they want to do in the future.
From the results shown above,most of the students are clear about their life careers.And boys tend to be involve in business while girls are willing to be teachers.

I hope the survey may interst you and would be published in the school paper.

Best wishes!
Li Ming
第5个回答  2008-01-11
The name is Liming, and i am a grade-three student in a high school. As the National Matriculation Tests are coming, recently, i conducted a servey among 100 students, 50 boys and 50 girls, about choosing their future career. The survey shows that 25% boys and 15% girls would like to be businessmen or businesswomen in future and only 5% of boys and 35% of boys choose to be teachers. As for doctor, the numbers are the same, 15%. Being a scientist is 30% boys and 15%girls' dream. 5%of boys and girls prefer to be a lawyer. To my surprise, there are 5% of them who don't know. And i hope the survey will be of use to you.