

第1个回答  2024-05-23
外面的石头千万不能乱捡,尤其是那些看起来稀奇罕见 ones. Here are seven types of stones that should never be brought home:
1. Mani Stones
Mani stones are ritualistic stones and considered spiritual stones in Tibetan culture. Taking one home is believed to bring bad luck and misfortune.
2. Blue Vitriol
Also known as azurite, this stone is aesthetically pleasing but highly toxic. It is commonly found in pesticides and herbicides and has uses in batteries, dyes, and as a preservative.
3. Copper Uranium Mica
This mineral has a color similar to emerald but is lethal. It is a significant source of uranium and releases toxic gases.
4. Scottish Elfin Lairge
This stone is part of a Scottish curse designed to protect the graves of ancestors. It is one of the five cursed creatures of the world, and taking it home is said to invite misfortune.
5. Red Lead Glance
This mineral consists of lead, arsenic, and thallium. Bringing it home can endanger the health of family members and lead to hair loss and serious diseases.
6. Burial Jade
Ancient burial jades should never be taken home. They are usually found in graves and carry a heavy burden of negative energy. Prolonged contact can deplete yang energy, leading to poor health and bad luck.
7. Hawaiian Stone
This stone is cursed, according to legend, by an Indian royal. It is believed that anyone who takes this stone will face a curse and不幸 fate.
In summary, it is best to avoid picking up any strange or beautiful stones from the outdoors to prevent bringing bad luck and health issues into the home.