take care for 和 care of 区别

想问一下 关于take care for 和care for 具体区别

There was no one to take care of them
There was no one to look after them

我就是想问下 为什么用 care for 代替 look after 不行....

第1个回答  2012-06-03
一般来说,take care of 就等于look after和care for

而常用的方式就是take care of 替换look after,,这是习惯问题。 如果你用care for 也没什么,只是感觉有点怪。
Lily spent years caring for her sick uncle.

第2个回答  2012-06-03
take care of=look after=care for
第3个回答  2012-06-03
其实take care of=care for,如果句子中它们不能替换,那应该是因为care for不常用于那样的句子,所以大部分人认为不能替换或句子不对。