每天晚上直到完成作业,他才上床睡觉,用上【until, finish】 他说等她一回来就把礼物送给她

他说等她一回来就把礼物送给她 【say,give,come】


第1个回答  2012-05-29
He goes to bed until he finishes his homework every night.

He says he will give the present to her as soon as she comes back.

Mr Lin went to work by bus instead of on foot this morning.

第2个回答  2012-05-29
He doesn't go to bed until he finishes his homework every evening.
He said he would give the gift to her as soon as she came back.
Mr Ling went to work by bus instead of on foot.
第3个回答  2012-05-29
每天晚上直到完成作业,他才上床睡觉,用上【until, finish】
He goes to bed until he finishes homework every night.

He says that he will give her the present as soon as she comes back.

Mr. Lin went to work this morning by bus instead of on foot.本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2012-05-29
He doesn't go to bed untill he finishes his homework every night.
He said that he would give her the present as soon as he came back.
Mr. Lin took bus to work intead of walking.
第5个回答  2012-05-29
Every night, he doesn't go to bed until he has fininshed the homework.
He says he will give the gift to her as soon as she comes back.
Mr. Lin goes to work by bus instead of walking this morning.