
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. On Sunday and Monday, I will meet with America's governors during their annual gathering in Washington, D.C. As a former governor, I appreciate the work of these fine public servants. I look forward to talking with them about the challenges and opportunities facing their states and our nation and discussing how leaders of both parties can work together to solve problems for our citizens. One of the most important issues we will discuss is how to improve health care for the American people, and we have a good example in the Medicare system that provides health care coverage for our seniors. When I took office, I found a Medicare system that would pay tens of thousands of dollars for a surgery, but not the money for the prescription drugs that could have prevented the surgery in the first place. So, working with Congress, we passed critical legislation that modernizes Medicare, provides seniors with more choices, and gives them better access to prescription drugs.

第1个回答  2006-03-04
总统:早上好. 星期天和星期一,我将与美国 ' 省长期间的年度聚会华盛顿,作为前省长的工作,我很欣赏这些优秀公仆. 我期待大家谈谈他们所面临的挑战和机遇,我们的国家和民族,这是双方领导人讨论如何可以共同努力,为市民解决问题. 最重要的问题之一,我们将讨论的是如何改善医疗保健美国人,我们有很好的例子在医疗保健制度,为我国老年人的医疗保险. 我上任时,我发现了医疗保健制度,将支付数万美元的手术,而不是为钱药,可避免手术的利益放在第一位. 因此,与国会,我们通过关键立法Modernizes医疗保健、老人提供更多的选择,让他们更好地获得处方药品.
第2个回答  2006-03-04
总统: 早安。 在星期日和星期一,我在华盛顿特区在他们的年度聚集期间将会和美国管理者见面如一个前管理者, 我感激这些好的公仆工作。 我盼望和他们谈论挑战和机会面对他们的州和我们的国家而且讨论两个宴会的领袖能如何一起工作为我们的市民解决问题。 当我就职的时候,我发现一个国家医疗保健制度系统为处方会为一个外科手术支付数万元, 但是支付不钱应该可以被首先避免外科手术。 如此,与国会合作, 我们经过现代化国家医疗保健制度,提供较多的选择给年长者,而且给他们更多的紧要关头的立法存取到处方。