中考英语作文 behave.ourselves


第1个回答  2016-06-17
As earthquake cannot be detected perfectly, it is important for us to learn to protect ourselves during an earth quake. Here are some suggestions.
First of all, when an earthquake happens, hide under the table or bed as soon as you feel the shake. Stay there until you feel everything quiets down, then run out of the buiding.
Second, believe it or not, the bathroom is the safest place at home. So stay there if you can.
Besides, when an earthquake happens, you should act differently in different places. In class, you ought to get out of the class room in order instead of running up and down. If you are walking down the street, do not try to enter any buildings or stand under bridges or skyscrapers.
Last but not the least, if you unfortunately get buried in the remainder, stay calm and save your strength so that you can wait for the rescuer.
If you can remember all those advice above, you will have a certainly chance to survive any earthquake.