以How to Succeed in a Job Interview 为题写一篇短文,给即将参加面试的人们一些建议。 英文作文!!baiq

2.取得面试成功的因素:1)穿着正式,整洁 2)表达清晰,准确 3) 展示能力、专业知识 4)要自信、实事求是······
要求:1.不可逐条翻译 2.内容要涵盖要点,可适当发挥,引文连贯, 3.字数120词左右

第1个回答  2012-11-18
The role of interview in job hunting
first,formal dress are necessary for you to make a good appearance.
before you go to the job interview ,you need to collect information and professional knowledge of the job and the company that provide the job opening,so that you won't be nervous.then you must pay attention to the manners and expression during the job interview.tell the factualness about yourself ,never cheat or hide.at last if you can do things mentioned above ,you are believed to be self-confidence and get a good chance to take the job you want.