

第1个回答  2012-10-24
At present, our society is in a period of comprehensively transitioning ,the economic system and social structure has changed significantly , economic composition, forms of organization, employment and way of life have become more diversified, social contradictions and social problems emerged . Therefore, high efficiency, coordinated operation, normative conduct, and development adaptive type goverment plays a leading position in the strengthen of transitionning and improve the social management. The government is converting from all-pervasive government to limited government, from man-governed to law-governed, from closed to open , from control to service government. The transformation of government functions, is the inevitable demand of the market economy grows, also the need to build a service-oriented government.

其实百度的翻译还是可以的 。。追问


第2个回答  2012-10-24
The sociaty is now facing a period of comprehensive transition.Significant and profund changes have happened both on the economic system and the social strucure.Economic sectors,organization patterns,employment and living sytle are gradually diversified.However,social contradictions and social issues showed up.Hence, a government of high efficiency,smooth operation,regulated behaviour and meeting the social demands for development will play a major role in the promotion and improving of social administration during the transformation period.We can see some positive efforts the governmeng is working on:from all-around to limited function;from rule of man to the rule of law;from a closed one to an open one and from a controling one to a service one.The transition of the government function is a necessary for market economic development and building a service-oriented government.
