
是he decide to go to the tomb,还是he decides to go to the tomb

第1个回答  2014-06-09
whole 强调的是整个事物,可以是指一个东西的全部。如:whole tomato整个番茄
all则是强调一个事物的各个组成部分,一般不用于指单个事物。如:all tomatoes 全部番茄

1、完全的; 整体的; 全部的:
three whole days 三整天
We drank a whole bottle each. 我们每人都喝了整整一瓶.
The whole town was destroyed by the earthquake. 整个小镇已遭地震摧毁.
I've sold the whole lot 我把所有东西都卖了.
2、完整的; 无损伤的:
After the party, there wasn't a glass left whole. 这场聚会结束时, 玻璃杯连一个完整的也没剩下.
cook sth whole, 烹治整个儿的某物(不切开)
swallow sth whole, ie without chewing it 把某物囫囵吞下(不咀嚼)

1、全部; 全数; 全体; 所有; 一切:
All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. 所有的马都是动物, 但并非所有的动物都是马.
All the people you invited are coming. 你所邀请的人全都来.
All my plants have died. 我的花草全都死了.
All wood tends to shrink. 所有木头都会缩一些.
You've had all the fun and I've had all the hard work. 所有美事儿都是你的, 所有苦事儿都是我的.
2、全; 整; 整个:
She was abroad all last summer. 她去年整个夏天都在国外.
We were unemployed (for) all that time. 在整整那段时期我们都失业了.
He has lived all his life in London. 他一生都住在伦敦.

She was abroad all last summer. 她去年整个夏天都在国外.
She was abroad whole last summer. 她去年整个夏天都在国外.


For 是动作的目的,如:
Have you made a cup of tea for Mrs Watson? 你给华生太太沏茶了吗?
go for a walk 去散步
Would you please translate this letter for me? 你给我翻译这封信行吗?
To 是动作的对象,如:
She said to us that she was surprised. 她跟我们说她很惊讶.
To whom did she send the book? 她把书送到谁那儿去了?

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第2个回答  2014-06-09
如果he前面没有别的,就是decides。 he是第三人称单数,不会直接跟动词原形的。