

第1个回答  2016-05-13

Unit 16  On the London Eye  在伦敦眼上  Lesson 31  Lesson 32  Unit 17  Smile, please!  笑一笑!  Lesson 33  Lesson 34  Unit 18  Men can cook, too!  男人也能做饭!  Lesson 35  Lesson 36  Unit 19  You must eat!  你必须吃!  Lesson 37  Lesson 38  Unit 20  What a surprise!  好一个意外!  Lesson 39  Lesson 40  Unit 21  Breakfast blues  早餐忧郁  Lesson 41  Lesson 42  Unit 22  Watching the neighbours  观察邻居们  Lesson 43  Lesson 44  Unit 23  An expensive camera  一架昂贵的照相机  Lesson 45  Lesson 46  Unit 24  A light dinner  一顿清淡的晚餐  Lesson 4T  Lesson 48  Unit 25  The weekend shopping  周末购物  Lesson 49  Lesson 50  Unit 26  A self-service restaurant  一家自助餐厅  Lesson 51  Lesson 52  Unit 27  Toothache  牙痛  Lesson 53  Lesson 54  Unit 28  Every day is different!  每一天都不同!  Lesson 55  Lesson 56  Unit 29  Many happy returns of the day!  长命百岁!  Lesson 57  Lesson 58  Unit 30  An international event  国际比赛  Lesson 59  Lesson 60  Rhymes and Songs  Numbers  Vocabulary  Appendix