

第1个回答  2007-12-01
Shaman and obnoxious to live with the muggle is a painful thing, to survive this long summer vacation all the more painful, but this is not what, because Calls back the soul of the deceased strangely actually appear in the muggle world in an attempt to kill Harry. Harry did not understand this, and so is how one thing in the end, a group of shaman has come, and escorted him to Lunduigelimo Plaza, a mysterious place - Phoenix clubs. This is a fight against the forces of evil Voldemort alliance, 13 years ago has formed Khalifa met here a lot of acquaintances, but also his surprising is the emergence of small Sirius, but in any case, Harry feel they have to hide what he This let him very angry. Meanwhile, he went to the magic of the trial, almost never left the Hogwarts.
The new school year began, the new nightmare, and the new "nightmare": Harry a long time and dreamed of the corridor, he is eager to open the mysterious doors of the new magic magic assigned to the Department of Defense into teacher all the students (and even teachers) nightmare, she constantly interfering in the affairs school, in school cool. This has just entered puberty Khalifa anger escalating. Fortunately, there are many friends support him, the secret magic of the teachers oppose the small organization inspired him, the first love still astringent moistening his ...
In the chaos and suppressed, life continued, however, the plot is brewing, bravely dark Khalifa challenges, but in the enemy's trap, and a very important life from the people he passed. It seems that grief and anger are not enough, but more than Deng Bradbury told him a big secret - he has a heavy burden of waiting for the bear.本回答被提问者采纳