狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第18章Part 03


第1个回答  2022-11-17
The service over
and the clergyman withdrawn
Mr Dombey looks round
demanding in a low voice
whether the person who has been requested to
Mr Dombey intimates where he would have it placed; and shows him
with his hand upon the wall
the shape and size; and how it is to follow
the memorial to the mother. Then
with his pencil
he writes out the inscription
and gives it to him: adding
'I wish to have it done at
'It shall be done immediately
'There is really nothing to inscribe but name and age
you see.'
The man bows
glancing at the paper
but appears to hesitate. Mr Dombey not observing his hesitation
turns away
and leads towards the
get back'
'Will you be so good as read it over again? I think there's a mistake.'
The statuary gives him back the paper
and points out
with his pocket rule
the words
'beloved and only child.'
'It should be
" I think
you're right. Correct mistakes'