
各位老师你们好: 我叫XX,是一名来自XX大学XX专业的应届本科毕业生。很荣幸我能参加这次面试,我相信这一次美好的经历在各位老师的指导下会让我进一步成长。 XX大学,一直是我的一个梦想,我崇敬它悠久的历史,严谨的学风,也赞叹他创新的理念和进取的精神。当“XXXX”被这美丽的校园衬托着冲击了我的视觉和思想之后,我更坚定了我的梦想。 高考的遗憾让我错失了XX大学四年,但是我始终坚信一句话“梦想和经典一样,永远不会因为时间而褪色,反而更显珍贵”。我很感谢XX大学,让我有前进的动力和目标,同时我更感谢我的母校XX大学,因为是它赋予了我夯实的知识基础和良好的自身素质,也是它给了我第二次实现梦想的机会,如果我能成为XX大学的一名的学生的话,我必将全力以赴!谢谢!

第1个回答  2014-08-21
Each teacher you good: My name is XX, is a XX from XX university professional graduates.I'm honored to participate in this interview, I believe this is a beautiful experience in all under the guidance of the teacher will let me grow further. XX University, has been one of my dreams, I admire its long history, the rigorous style of study, he also praised the concept of innovation and enterprising spirit.When "XXXX" is this beautiful campus set off the impact of my vision and thinking, I strengthened my dream. The college entrance examination that make me miss XX University for four years, but I always believe that one sentence "dreams and classics like, never because of time and fade, but grow more precious".I am very grateful to the University of XX, let me have the motivation and objectives, at the same time I thank my alma mater, XX University, because it gives me a solid knowledge foundation and good personal qualities, and it gave me a second chance of realizing his dream, if I can become a XX University Students then, I will go to all lengths!Thank you.本回答被提问者采纳