
It is one thing to land science instruments on Mars;however,it is quite 1_
another to establish a basc for humans to explore planet.Daytime temeratures 2_
can be rise above freezing,but,because of the extremely thin atmosphere, 3_
the sun heat rediates back into space.Even at the equator,the temerature 4_
drops 50℃ at night.In fact,there is no ozone layer to keep out 5_
ultraviolet radiation,and hardly some oxygen for either breathing 6_
and burning conventional fuels.But despit all these problems,scientists are 7_
currently working transport and clothing for Mars and artificial environment 8_
in which colonists could live.However,the potential cost make the ides of 9_
human life on Mars nothing othore then a fantastic dream.10_



第1个回答  2009-04-15
1.one-a 因为一篇介绍东西的文章中第一次提到要用a(另外,前面回答者的改错不太对,science instruments可以的,science是做定语修饰组成复合词组)
2.planet-the planet 理由:the表特指,当表示前面提到的事物时用the
3.be rise-rise 因为be后面不可能跟动词原型,气温升高又不是被动,所以be多余
5.drop-drop by 因为drop by了指下降了。。。,drop to不对,它的意思是下降到。。,根据原文意思,气温不可能下降以后还是50度那么高,而是下降的幅度是50度
6.some-any 表示“一些”的含义时,some用在肯定句中,any用在否定居中,因为前面有hardly(表示否定意义的副词),所以用any
7.and-or 固定词组,either..or..
8.working-working on 因为work是不及物动词,work on表示正在工作的项目
9.make-makes cost是单数名词,谓语要用复数
第2个回答  2009-04-15
1. science→scientific。应该用形容词作定语。
2. planet前加the。planet前用定冠词,特指Mars。
3.去掉be。can rise在本句中表"气温上升"。
4. sun→sun's。名词所有格作定语,修饰heat。
5.drops后加to。drop to表"下降到"。
6. some→any。在表否定意义的副词hardly后面用any, hardly any oxygen意为"几乎没有任何氧气"。
7. and→or。此处表选择关系。
8.working后加on。work on是固定词组,表"研究"。
9. make→makes。本句的主语是名词cost,故谓语动词用单数形式。