

第1个回答  推荐于2019-10-27
加法、减法、乘法、除法:addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
加号、减号、乘号、除号:plus, minus, multiplication, division
1+1=2 One plus one equals two.
在生活中有时候只需要把数字相加而不需要像数学课这样算,可以说One and one equals two. 或者:Add one and one to make two.
2-1=1 Two minus one equals one
同样的,可以说 One from two equals one. 或者:Subtract two from one to get one.
乘法: 三乘以六等于十八
3×6=18 Three multiplied by six equals eighteen. 或者Three times six equals eighteen.
Three sixes are eighteen. (三六十八)
在说到体积的时候一般是用by,比如:这个小包裹的尺寸是18*18*12。The dimensions of this small parcel are eighteen by eighteen by twelve.
除法: 十二除以四等于三
12÷4=3 Twelve divided by four equals three.
也可以说Four divides twelve three times.本回答被网友采纳