hold on造句


第1个回答  2023-06-12

hold on造句如下:

1、Please hold on while I transfer your call to the correct department.请稍等,我把您的电话转到正确的部门。

2、The detective asked the suspect to hold on to the evidence until further notice.侦探要求嫌疑犯在得到进一步通知前先保留证据。

3、 Hold on tight! The roller coaster is about to start.抓紧了!过山车就要开始了。

4、I need to hold on to this money until I can deposit it in the bank.在我把钱存进银行之前,我得保管好这笔钱。

5、The hiker had to hold on to the tree branch to keep from slipping down the steep slope.徒步旅行者不得不抓住树枝以免滑下陡坡。

6、Hold on, I just need to grab my jacket before we leave.等一下,我得在走之前拿上我的夹克。

7、The team needs to hold on to their lead for just a few more minutes to win the game.这个队只要再保持几分钟的领先优势就能赢得比赛。

8、Hold on to your dreams and never give up on them.坚持你的梦想,永不放弃。

9、The child held on tightly to their parent's hand in the crowded market.在拥挤的市场上,孩子们紧紧抓住父母的手。

10、Let's hold on to these memories and cherish them forever.让我们留住这些美好的回忆,并永远珍惜它们。

11、I have to hold on to this ticket until the concert starts.我得保管这张票直到音乐会开始。

12、Hold on to that feeling of joy and happiness.保持到那种快乐和幸福的感觉上。

13、The pilot told the passengers to hold on as the plane experienced turbulence.飞行员告诉乘客们坐稳了,因为飞机遇到了乱流。

14、She asked her friend to hold on to her phone while she went to the restroom.她去洗手间的时候请她的朋友别挂断电话。

15、The actor asked the audience to hold on to their applause until the end of the performance.那位演员要求观众把掌声一直保持到演出结束。