英语作文 谢谢好心人的帮助~~ 最好运用很简单的单词 80到100个单词就行 好的话还追加分数

2月10号上午 你母亲骑自行车上班是 不慎摔伤了腿 无法行走
当时一个外国女生 立刻将你母亲送到医院检查治疗,
然后送你母亲回家 据了解那位女生名叫Alice green
是武汉大学英语系的学生 请你第二天给他写信说明事情的经过 表示感谢
告诉他你母亲打算下个月某个时间 与他见面不知可否

Dear Alice,
I'm writing this letter to thank you for saving my mother.Well,on the Feb.10th,my mother got injured because of a bike accident.She told me that there was a girl saved her and sent her to her house at that moment.now,she feels so moved that she wants to meet you next month.So can you come to my house for dinner? By the way,I live in Wuhan,JinShui road 23#.Thanks again!
Sincerely yours
第1个回答  2009-04-05
Dear Alice Green:

It is nice to write to you.My name is Liming,living in No.23,Jinshui Road,Wuhan.Do you still remember that a lady fell down from her bicycle and hurt her leg on the mornin g of 10th,February.It was you who sent her to the hospital.After the treatment, you sent her back home.That lady was my mother.Hearing the story,I was so moved.And I tried to get some information about you.I know that you are a student in the English Dept,Wuhan University.With this letter,I want to show our thanks to you.And my mother wants to see you sometime next month. I hope that you can arrange the time and the place for us to meet.
I will be looking forward to your reply.Thank you again!

Best Wishes!