英语翻译 名著段落的 高手来啊~~~~200分~

1. 我对林敦的爱像是树林中的叶子:我完全晓得,在冬天变化树木的时候,时光便会变化叶子。我对希刺克厉夫的爱恰似下面的恒久不变的岩石:虽然看起来它给你的愉快并不多,可是这点愉快却是必需的。耐莉,我就是希刺克厉夫!他永远永远地在我心里。他并不是作为一种乐趣,并不见得比我对我自己还更有趣些,却是作为我自己本身而存在。

2 古往今来,尽管人生虚无的悲论如缕不绝,可是劝人执著人生爱惜光阴的教诲更是谆谆在耳。两相比较,执著当然比悲观明智得多。悲观主义是一条绝路,冥思苦想人生的虚无,想一辈子也还是那么一回事,绝不会有柳暗花明的一天,反而窒息了生命的乐趣。不如把这个虚无放到括号里,集中精力做好人生的正面文章。既然只有一个人生,世人心目中值得向往的东西,无论成功还是幸福,今生得不到,就永无得到的希望了,何不以紧迫的心情和执著的努力,把这一切追求到手再说?

3. 当简爱说“我们是平等的,我不是无感情的机器”,我懂得了做为女性的自尊;当裴多菲说“若为自由故,两者皆可抛”,我懂得了做为人的价值;当王勃说“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”,我懂得了友情的可贵;当拿破仑说“不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵”,我懂得了奋斗的意义;当孔子说“三人行必有我师焉”,我懂得了谦虚的必要;当范仲淹说“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”,我懂得了做人的责任。

4. 让我印象深刻的场景是作者笔下的当时的那些建筑,那些奢华的象征权力的教堂,人们还不知道可以拥有自己的思想,以及为了自己的愿望可以做什么事情,一切都假借神圣的宗教,一切都假借神圣的教堂来展现,展现建筑家的审美观,也就是个人的才华,或者展示自己的能力,我想那时的人们,把人性深深地埋在一件神圣的宗教的外衣下面,典型的人物就是副主教--克洛德。从那许多的错综复杂的毫无章法的建筑群,我们不难看出,当时人们的内心是怎样的压抑,怎样狂躁,那些像雨后春笋一般从地下冒出来的教堂的尖顶,正是人们扭曲的灵魂在对着苍天做这无声的哀号!

5. 教堂里面是那么的阴森恐怖,这让人联想到在宗教的遮拦下,当时社会是怎样的肮脏和败坏,真善美的宗教和利用宗教制造血腥事件,形成了强烈的感官刺激。通篇都是在这样的对照下进行的,让人的心灵深刻的体会出迷茫,困惑,和不安,如果有一把利剑,你会尽你的全力去刺破那层蒙在社会上空的阴云,那阴云是邪恶的,


第1个回答  2008-08-02
1. I look like leaf in grove to Lindun's love: I know completely, moment changing trees in in winter, days just be able to change a leaf. I am like invariant constant underneath rock to the love wishing to irritate gram of Li Fu : Although happiness it seems that it gives you is not many, happy this but be indispensable. Be able to bear Li, I am to wish to irritate gram of Li Fu ! He is member of me forever in the heart. He is really not as one kind of delight , self is not necessarily a little fairly more amusing and than me to me , is self but as me self but existence. But 2 through the ages, do not hesitate to sad life nihility theory if the instruction advising inflexible life of person to cherish time is to be in an ear earnestly and tirelessly wisp without cease, more. Two compare, inflexible natural ratio pessimism is much more sagacious. The pessimism is a road to ruin , is in a brown study the life nihility, think of one thing, will never one day having enchanting sight in spring time throughout self's life also or so, delight having stifled life on the contrary. Concentrate self's efforts on doing sth in had better readjust oneself to a certain extent with this nihility to parentheses, being ready for the life facade article. Be still happy , this life cannot since the thing, is disregarding success only when a life , the common people are worth yearning for that in mental view, will have never have hope , why not to used urgent state of mind and inflexible effort , all these is run after coming to self hands putting off until some time later? 3. Think that simple love criticizes "us is equal, I have been not the machine there being no affection" , I have understood the self-esteem composing for the female; Petofi says ding-dang "if for free reason , both throw " all, I have understood the value making conduct; Think that Wang Bo says "a real friend cannot be wanting in this wide world , is with each other though far apart ", I have understood the friendly sentiment value; Think that Courvoisier VSOP , France criticizes "the soldier who not wanting to serve as General is not a nice soldier ", I have understood the significance struggling; Think that Confucius says "if three of us are walking together , at least one of the other two is good enough to be my teacher I have understood modest certainly needing then ",; Think that Fan Zhongyan says "being the first to bear hardships , and the last to enjoy comforts ", I have understood the responsibility conducting self. 4. Or let my deep impression circumstances be those author wording and purport of what one writes buildings that time, those luxurious symbol authority church, people does not know being able to own self thought, for and what thing self desire can do, all making use of sacred religion , coming unfold all making use of sacred church, displays the Taoist temple building family's appreciation of the beauty , is just personal talent, show self ability, I think of at that time people, buries human nature in deeply below a piece of sacred religion outer clothing, The representative personage is suffragan-- Keluode. , we are not disgraceful from that a lot of sinuous without any art of composition architectural complex take place, heart of people that time be how feel constrained , how maniac, those images bamboo shoots after a spring rain comply with the underground the church giving off pinnacle in general, the soul exactly being that people is dogleg makes this silent wail in opposite Heaven! 5. Church inside be so gloominess is dreadful , this lets person associate the chevaux-de-frise arriving at in religion falling, society that time be how filthy and undermine, and the truth , good and beauty religion making use of religion to create the bloody event, the intense sense organ having taken form stimulates. Be to be in progress under such collation whole, take place is perplexed , perplexed, and discomposed by people's intelligent deep understanding, be covered with the dark clouds in society sky tier if having a handful sharp sword , your to go and puncture, that dark clouds has been vicious , you have been full of anger and contempt to it , those tramps who resemble book inside right away have treated society's frenzied revenge. that can sparing no effort use up you You are unable but, because of those are vicious if you think of stabbing pain , you want to strike God who is representing truth , good and beauty's down in the field right away first , that is what a cruel thing! Still have the ratio people losing nature more sorrowful!
第2个回答  2008-08-04


第3个回答  2008-08-03
1. I love to Linden in the woods like leaves: I know, in winter when the trees change, time will change the leaves. I love the希刺克厉夫below the long-lasting like the same rock: Although it looks to you is not happy, but this is necessary for happiness. Nelly, I was希刺克厉夫! He will always be in my heart. He is not as a fun and not necessarily on my own than I am also some more interesting, but as my own existence.

2 Since ancient times, despite the sad life of nothingness palygorskite if not absolutely, but Quanren perseverance of life cherish the teachings of time is more earnest in our ears. Two-phase, the perseverance of course, is much more sensible than pessimistic. Pessimism is a dead end, Mingsikuxiang life of nothingness, or would like to have it all their lives one thing, never a way out of the day, instead of stifling the life of fun. As this nothingness into brackets, do a good job in life to focus on the positive article. Since there is only one life, the eyes of the world yearning for something worthwhile, regardless of success or happiness, and this life are not, never have the hope, why not in the mood urgent and persistent efforts to get this all the pursuit of repeat »

3. When Jane Eyre said "we are equal, I am not without feelings of the machinery", as I understand the women's self-esteem when Peiduo Fei said: "If it for free, both can throw," I understand the As the value when Wang Bo said that "the memory friend, Tianya a distant land near", I know the value of a friendship when Napoleon said, "When the generals do not want the soldiers is not a good soldier," I struggle to understand the significance when Confucius said: "I must be three lines division Yan," I understand the need for a modest when Fan Zhongyan "to the world to show concern and worry, to enjoy oneself music", I know the man's responsibility.

4. I was impressed by the scenes described by the author at the time of those buildings, those extravagant symbol of the power of the church, people do not know they can have their own ideas, and to their aspirations can be doing everything in the name of the sacred Religion, all the sacred name of the church to show, displaying architectural aesthetics of the home, which is the individual talent, or show their ability, I think the people at that time, humanity deeply buried in a sacred religious Below the cloak, a typical figure is Fu Zhujiao - Claude. Since many of the complex of buildings without the rules, we can easily see, when people's mind is what kind of suppression, how manic, who generally like mushroom emerge from the underground church spires, is a twisted soul of the people Cangtian to do this in front of silent Aihao!

5. Churches there are so ghastly acts of terror, people think of this in the Zhelan religion, then what kind of society is dirty and corrupt, Lee's use of religion to the religious and create the bloody incident, formed a strong sensory stimulation. Throughout all this under control, people's hearts to experience the profound confusion, confusion, and anxiety, if a sharp sword, you will do to you the full-punctured it kept in the community over the clouds It is the shadow of evil,
You it is full of anger and contempt, like the inside of those vagrants were treated frenzied retaliation for the community. But you can not, because if you want to tingling those evil, you will have to represent Lee in the overthrow of God, it is very cruel things ah! There are more than the sad nature of the loss of Mody!本回答被提问者采纳