
关键词:企业文化 国有企业 文化建设


第1个回答  2007-03-28
China's state-owned enterprise reform goal is to establish a modern enterprise system, which requires the corporate culture and management structure, property rights system coordinated management system. However, under the planned economy, state-owned enterprises in the form of some values, code of conduct and management can hardly meet the requirements of the socialist market economy and the development and survival of the giant state-owned enterprises major obstacles. Compared with large companies in developed countries, China's state-owned enterprises have an enterprise value is not clear, lack of entrepreneurial spirit personality issues affecting the process of the reform of state-owned enterprises and enterprises led to insufficient stamina. The other hand, with increasingly fierce competition in the domestic market, the power of corporate culture as an important component of the competitiveness of enterprises. increasingly significant role; the other hand, Global recycling companies within the scope of the theory and practice of quietly rising and the continuous deepening of economic reform in China are state-owned enterprises Enterprise reform will inevitably touch on the deep-seated cultural factors. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct in-depth cultural innovation of state-owned enterprises to explore and study. However, the rigid system of state-owned enterprises, as well as traditional cultural inertia. State-owned enterprises are still the traditional planned economy, culture and the cultural values of the corresponding serious restraints and restrictions corporate management is still not fully in line with market rules and to the scientific management of the track.
