
概念上说非谓语形式没有“时”的特征,时间关系要借助主句谓语动词的“时”的形式来表示。 感觉理解起来挺抽象的~~

那么这个句子:He seems to know a lot 怎么看出to know和谓语seems是同时发生还是之后呢?

第1个回答  2011-04-26


① 不定式一般表示将来,在句子中常用作主语、宾语、表语、定语、补语、状语等

② doing 形式一般表示正在进行,在句子中常用作主语、宾语、表语、定语、补语、状语等

③ 过去分词一般表示动作已发生,及物动词既表示动作已发生也反映被动关系,不及物动词只表示动作已发生。过去分词在句子中常用作表语、定语、补语、状语等,不能用作主语、宾语这两种成分。

e.g.1 . a broken cup (break Vt. 作定语用表示杯子已打破,同时也表示杯子被打破 )

2 . boiled water (boil Vi. 作定语用表示水已烧开过。 )



e.g.(1) Being ill, he couldn’t go to work as usual.

(2) Beaten with a stick, the thief was black and blue all over.

(3) To improve our spoken English , we should practise speaking English as often as possible.


e.g. (1)It being sunny, we want to go outing.

(2) His mother being ill, he had to look after her.


e.g. Generally speaking, he wouldn’t do such a thing.

其他符合上述例子用法的类似结构还有 :

exactly speaking / strictly speaking/ to be honest / to tell you the truth 等


弄清逻辑它们之间的逻辑关系,对判定非谓语作状语 / 定语 / 补语有很大的帮助。

1. 作状语

e.g. 1.Standing on the top of the building, we find our school beautiful.

2.Seen from the top of the building, our school is very beautiful.

分析:在例 1 中,非谓语动词与主语之间是主谓关系(主动关系),用 -ing 形式作状语。

分析:在例 2 中,非谓语动词与主语之间是动宾关系(被动关系)。用 -ed 形式作状语。

2. 作定语

e.g.1. 现在在举行的会议 the meeting being held now

2. 上星期举行的会议 the meeting held last week

3. 明天要举行的会议 the meeting to be held tomorrow


3. 作补语

e.g. I heard my neighbor sing all night long.


e.g. I heard my neighbor singing at this time yesterday.

分析:用 doing 的主动形式做补语,是因为补语与宾语之间是主动关系;动作正在进行。

e.g. I heard this song sung in French when I stayed in Paris.


四、 to do 或 doing 作定语或位于形容词后作状语的注意点。


e.g. a lot of work to do

a chair to sit in

The chair is comfortable to sit in.

The story is worth reading.

The picture is worth looking at.


e.g. I need a camera badly, but I have no money to buy it.

分析:不定式中的动词 buy 是及物动词,但语境中的语意是“买相机的钱”,而不能省去其后的代词 it, 否则语意变得不完整,象这种情况要特别细心。

五、 doing 的完成式的特点


e.g. The teacher scolded ( 责骂 )the student who broke the window.


The teacher scolded ( 责骂 )the student having broken the window.


e.g. Having finished his homework, the boy turned on the TV set.


After he finished his homework, the boy turned on the TV set.

Before the boy turned on the TV set, the boy had finished his homework.

e.g. We wished to have put out the fire in thirty minutes.


We had wished to put out the fire in thirty minutes.

其他符合上述例子用法的类似结构还有 :

表示个人的思维有关的这类若干动词,如 hope / expect / think / suppose / want / plan / agree / mean / try 等。

六、 doing 与过去分词在作定语和表语时的识别方法

简易法:与人有关用过去分词;与物有关一般选用 doing 形式。

e.g. an interesting story 一个有趣的故事

an excited boy 一个激动的孩子

The boy is interested in the interesting changes. 这孩子对这些有趣的变化入迷。



e.g. a frightened boy 一个受惊吓的孩子

an excited voice 激动的声音

-doing 形式对外界有影响,相关情感辐射。

e.g. a frightening lion 一头使人感到害怕的狮子

surprising news 使人吃惊的消息


e.g. 1 .From his ____ (surprise) look, we thought he didn’t know the fact.

2 .He told us his story in an____ (excite) voice , but we all didn’t believe what he said.

3 .He made the speech in a ____ (excite) voice, so that we all decided to collect money for

the poor wild animal.

分析:例1中从语意得知,“他吃惊,而我们则不。”根据图示法,侧重封闭性,用 surprised.

例2同理,侧重封闭性,用 excited.

例 3 中从语意得知,“他的声音具有辐射特点,对我们有影响,使得我们为野生动

物募捐。”所以用 exciting.
