

第1个回答  2022-10-18
           1983 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试

将下列各词,按元音读音,分别写在相应的元音音标后面(本题共8分,每词0. 5分。抄词如拼错,不给分)
例:[au] house now
1. [aI] ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
2. [i:] ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
3. [E:] ________ ________ ________ ________
4. [Eu] ________ ________ ________ ________ 
下列各句中,每句都有一个词拼错。把拼错的词的正确拼法写在右边的括号内(本题共10分,每小题0. 5分)
1. She is my arnt. (        )
2. Beijing is the capitol of China.   (        )
3. He wants to join the air forse.   (        )
4. Hold the miror to your mouth. (        )
5. The picture was drown by him.       (        )
6. Is there any big liberary in your town?     (        )
7. He felt from the top of the wall yesterday.      (        )
8. His mother bought him a bycicle.     (        )
9. They dicided to go to the museum. (        )
10. It’s a plesure to meet you.      (        )
11. Which basket is the heavyest? (        )
12. They should do it themselfs.   (        )
13. The soldiers were greatly imspired.       (        )
14. It is not necesarry for you to go.   (        )
15. He went to study at Wuhan Univercity. s(        )
16. The teacher tried to stop the quarral.     (        )
17. He reilized that he was wrong.       (        )
18. The o countries are saparated by a river.   (        )
19. She had once worked in a goverment office.        (        )
20. September is the nih month of the year.    (        )
下面I栏中的16个单词在II栏中都可以找到相当的或接近的解释。将各单词前的编号填入同它相配的解释前边的括号内。每个解释只能用一次。(本题共8分,每小题0. 5分。)
       I                II
例:i. excellent      (ii) answer
ii. reply           (i) very good
1. breakfast    (     ) be afraid of
2. soon       (     ) beeen warm and cold
3. dirty    (     ) T-INDENT: 21pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 16pt; mso-char-indent-count: 2.0; mso-line-height-rule: exactly">
4. fetch   (     ) very big
5. fear     (     ) mend
6. winter (     ) the first meal of the day
7. repeat  (     ) make the meaning clear
8. huge    (     ) place where patients are treated
9. improve      (     ) in a short time
10. prepare     (     ) say or do again
11. arrive (     ) allow
12. hospital     (     ) the season beeen autumn and spring
13. repair (     ) bee or make better
14. cool   (     ) not clean
15. explain      (     ) go and bring back
16. permit       (     ) make ready or get ready

四、句型转换 (本题共12分,每小题1. 5分)
1. She often wrote to her clas *** ates in those days.
2. This theatre was built in 1964.
3. She stopped washing her clothes because she had something else to do.
4. He has worked in the shop for five years.
5. Tom turned on the radio.
6. Grandma will take care of my sister.

7. ”I’ve bought a new lamp
” he said to me.

8. ”Don’t mention it again
” she said to her hu *** and.

在A、B、C、D 四个答案中,选出一个正确答案,把它前面的字母填入左边的括号内。对原文不得作任何改动(本题共20分,每小题1分)
例:B. He arrived in London ________ plane.
A. with                               B. by
C. on                      &eight-rule: exactly; tab-stops: 162.0pt 225.0pt 288.0pt">C. on1. “Isn’t your uncle an engineer?” “ ________ “
A. No
he isn’t.                  B. No
he is.

C. Yes
he isn’t.                  D. Yes
he does.

2. About ________ of the workers in that steel works are young people.
A. third-fifths                      B. three-fifths
C. three-fives                      D. three-fifth
3. No one knew Mr. Benson’s address ________ his daughter.
A. except                            B. excepts
C. only                               D. beside
4. ________ many times
but he still couldn’t understand it.

A. Having been told             B. Though had been told
C. He was told                    D. Having told
5. Egypt is famous ________ its pyramids.
A. of                                  B. in
C. about                             D. for
6. What’s the language ________ in Germany?
A. speaking                         B. spoken
C. be spoken                       D. to speak
7. Frank is the kind of person whom people like to ________.
A. make friend with             B. make friends of
C. make friends                   D. make friends with
8. These boys ________ our football team.
A. are belong to                   B. are belonged to
C. belong to                        D. belong of
9. This straw hat ________ me.
A. doesn’t fit for                 B. isn’t fit
SPAC. doesn’t fit                      D. fits to
10. My brother ________ the Youth League for o years.
A. has been in                     B. has entered
C. has taken part in              D. has joined into
11. ”I haven’t been to Guilin yet. ”
“I haven’t been there
________. ”

A. too                                B. also
C. either                             D. neither
12. These apples look ________.
A. nicely                             B. nice
C. well                               D. sweetly
13. John did badly in the sports meet. I did even ________
A. worst                             B. more bad
C. also badly                       D. worse
14. Can we do our work better with ________ money and ________ people?
A. lesser
few                      B. less

C. little
less                        D. few

15. Miss Smith is a friend of ________.
A. Mary’s mother’s             B. Mary’s mother
C. Mother’s of Mary           D. Mary mother’s
16. There won’t be any concert this Saturday evening
________ ?

A. will there not                  B. will there
C. is there                           D. will it be
17. The doctor ________ is leaving for Africa next month.
A. the nurse is talking to him
B. whom the nurse is talking
C. the nurse is talking to
D. who the nurse is talking
18. You’ll miss the train ________ you hucrry up.
A. unless                            B. as
C. if                                   D. until
19. ________ we have today!
A. A fine weather                 B. What a fine weather
C. How a fine weather         D. What fine weather
20. People couldn’t help ________ the foolish emperor in the procession.
. laugh at                            B. to laugh at
C. laughing at                      D. laughing on