
【摘要】 目的:探讨气虚、阳虚、阴虚、特禀体质的妇女围绝经期综合征严重程度的影响因素,为预防和改善妇女围绝经期综合征提供科学依据。方法:采用随机抽样的方法, 随机抽取40-65岁的围绝经期综合征妇女,香港800人,北京及黑龙江各200人,进行问卷调查。通过Epidata录入数据,应用SAS8.1软件采用有序多分类logistic逐步回归模型分析。 结果:气虚体质妇女116例,妇女围绝经期综合征严重程度与职业,对自己目前整体健康评价,喜热等影响因素相关(P<0.1)。阳虚体质妇女175例,妇女围绝经期综合征严重程度与年龄,对自己目前整体健康评价等影响因素相关(P<0.1)。阴虚体质妇女137例,妇女围绝经期综合征严重程度与职业,对自己目前整体健康评价,饮茶及喜辛辣等影响因素相关(P<0.1)。特禀体质妇女137例,妇女围绝经期综合征严重程度与地区,既往疾病,喜辛辣,对自己目前整体健康评价等影响因素相关(P<0.1)。在四种体质中,对自己目前整体健康评价越差的妇女,围绝经期综合征越严重。结论:气虚、阳虚、阴虚、特禀体质影响围绝经期综合征严重程度的影响因素不尽相同,针对不同体质提出相应的预防围绝经期综合征措施。 【关键词】体质;围绝经期;症状;预防

第1个回答  2011-01-09
【摘要】 目的:探讨气虚、阳虚、阴虚、特禀体质的妇女围绝经期综合征严重程度的影响因素,为预防和改善妇女围绝经期综合征提供科学依据。方法:采用随机抽样的方法, 随机抽取40-65岁的围绝经期综合征妇女,香港800人,北京及黑龙江各200人,进行问卷调查。通过Epidata录入数据,应用SAS8.1软件采用有序多分类logistic逐步回归模型分析。 结果:气虚体质妇女116例,妇女围绝经期综合征严重程度与职业,对自己目前整体健康评价,喜热等影响因素相关(P<0.1)。阳虚体质妇女175例,妇女围绝经期综合征严重程度与年龄,对自己目前整体健康评价等影响因素相关(P<0.1)。阴虚体质妇女137例,妇女围绝经期综合征严重程度与职业,对自己目前整体健康评价,饮茶及喜辛辣等影响因素相关(P<0.1)。特禀体质妇女137例,妇女围绝经期综合征严重程度与地区,既往疾病,喜辛辣,对自己目前整体健康评价等影响因素相关(P<0.1)。在四种体质中,对自己目前整体健康评价越差的妇女,围绝经期综合征越严重。结论:气虚、阳虚、阴虚、特禀体质影响围绝经期综合征严重程度的影响因素不尽相同,针对不同体质提出相应的预防围绝经期综合征措施。 【关键词】体质;围绝经期;症状;预防
翻译[abstract] objective: to study the deficiency of Yin and Yang, most of constitution, especially women menopausal transition syndrome of the severity of influencing factors, so as to prevent and improve women menopausal transition syndrome provide the scientific basis. Methods: by random sampling method, randomly 40-65, menopausal transition syndrome women, Hong Kong 800, Beijing and heilongjiang every 200 people, carried on the questionnaire survey. Through Epidata input data, the application SAS8.1 software using the orderly more classification logistic regression model were analyzed. Results: the deficiency of physique women 116 cases were, women menopausal transition syndrome with severity career, with his present overall health assessment, xi thermal factors as related (P < 0.1). Yang physique women 175 cases, women's menopause syndrome severity surrounded with age, with his present overall health evaluation factors as related (P < 0.1). Yin physique women, women 137 cases surrounded menopause syndrome severity and profession, with his present overall health assessment and drinking tea and favorite spicy factors as related (P < 0.1). Most women's physical 137 cases, women menopausal transition syndrome with severity area, always disease, xi spicy, with his present overall health evaluation factors as related (P < 0.1). In four physique, with his present overall health evaluation the worse of women, the more serious the menopausal transition syndrome. Conclusion: the deficiency of Yin and Yang, together, special physical impact menopausal transition syndrome of the severity of influencing factors is endless and same, according to the different physical corresponding preventive menopausal transition syndrome measures. [key words] constitution; Menopausal transition, Symptoms. prevention本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2011-01-12
第3个回答  2011-01-07
自己用软件 然后润饰一下咯
第4个回答  2011-01-08
这么长 给钱才干