

第1个回答  2007-03-03
一、时间状语从句:主要由when,whenever,after,before,as,(ever)since,once,as soon as,(not)until,while等连词引导

1) ,Alexander Graham Bell was still a young man.

〔A〕 He invented the telephone
〔B〕 The telephone was invented
〔C〕 His invention of the telephone
〔D〕 When he invented the telephone

2) The small greenish flowers of the American elm tree appear in the spring, .

〔A〕 is grown long before the leaves
〔B〕 long before the leaves grow
〔C〕 the leaves before growing long
〔D〕 the growth of leaves before long is

3) _,heat is produced.

〔A〕The mixing together of certain chemicals
〔B〕Whenever certain chemicals are mixed together
〔C〕Certain chemicals mixed together
〔D〕 That certain chemicals are mixed together

二、结果状语从句:考试中主要集中在“so…that”(这样……以致) 引导的状语从句,除此之外,还有“such…that”等其他连接词可以引导

4) Lucretia Mott’s influence was too significant 〔A〕 that she has been credited 〔B〕 by some authorities 〔C〕 as the originator 〔D〕 of feminism is the United States.

5) Dorothy Parker’s satirical 〔A〕 verse was quite 〔B〕 popular that her books of poetry 〔C〕 appeared 〔D〕 on best�seller lists.

三、让步状语从句: 让步状语从句通常由(even)though,although,no matter,even if ,however,whatever等词引导

6) Hippopotamuses, a great deal of time submerged in lakes or rivers,do not feed in the water.

〔A〕 spend
〔B〕 they spend
〔C〕 although they spend
〔D〕 which they spend

7) do not have webbed feet, gallinules are excellent swimmers.

〔A〕 They
〔B〕 Even though they
〔C〕 That they
〔D〕 It is when they

四、原因状语从句: 原因状语从句可由as,because,since及for引导,而托福考题集中在由“because”引导的从句

8) Nelon is said to be inert does not react easily with other substances.

〔A〕 becaues of it
〔B〕 because it
〔C〕 it is because
〔D〕 is because it

9) Helium is safer than hydrogen it can not explode.

〔A〕 while
〔B〕 though
〔C〕 because
〔D〕 if

五、条件状语从句: 表条件的状语从句主要由if,whether,as long as (只要),provided(只要) (that)等词引导,例如

10) Uniform acceleration occurs the rate of change remains the same over successive equal intervals of time.

〔A〕 according
〔B〕 if
〔C〕 with
〔D〕 under

11) Abstraction goes into the making of any work of art, or not.

〔A〕 whether the artist being aware of it
〔B〕 the artist is being aware whether
〔C〕 whether the artist is aware of it
〔D〕 the artist is aware whether


12) the Atlantic Ocean crosses the equator,the trade winds cause a flow of water to the west.

〔A〕 Where
〔B〕 And
〔C〕 That
〔D〕 At

13) Nails protect the ends of human fingers and toes protect the toes of most other vertebrates.

〔A〕 claws
〔B〕 as claws
〔C〕 as claws do
〔D〕 so do claws


(1) 从句主语与主句主语一致,且从句谓语为“be”;

(2) 省略后的结构为“连词+现在分词”、“连词+过去分词结构”以及“连词+介词短语”和“连词+形容词(名词短语) ”结构,例

14) ,glasses can correct most sight defects in healthy eyes.

〔A〕 When well fitted
〔B〕 Well fitted when
〔C〕 Well fitted if
〔D〕 If well fitted when

15) Although rigid,bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to withstand considerable impact.

〔A〕 apparently
〔B〕 are apparently
〔C〕 apparently their
〔D〕 are they apparently

16) When in arctic regions,the Aleuts construct igloos as temporary winter shelters.

〔A〕 travel
〔B〕 to travel
〔C〕 traveling them
〔D〕 traveling


1) D无论在语法上还是语意上均正确,而若选A和B,则只是两个句子的无谓罗列,这在英语中是绝对不允许的,而C是一个名词短语,也不符合要求。

2) B对。本句是由连词before引导的时间状语从句,其中的long是副词,修饰before,“long before”意为“早在…之前”,long before易与before long相混淆,before long相当于介词短语,意思是“不久”。

3) B 对。由于逗号后面是一个完整的句子,则本句空白处成分可能是介词短语、分词短语或状语及状语从句,在备选答案中,只有B 具备状语从句的条件。whenever是when的强调式表示“无论什么时候”。

4) A错。本句含“so…that”句型,“so”是副词,它后面可接形容词或副词,而“that”后要接表结果的状语从句,故应将“too”改为“so”。

5) B错。改为“so”。

6) C对。本句主语为“Hippopotamuses”,谓语是“do not feed”,逗号之间显然为插入成分,A和B不符合要求,D虽表面上是非限定定语从句修饰前面的成分,但which指主语,马上又接主语they,成了“双主语”,故应排除。C是由连词although(尽管) 引导的让步状语从句作插入语,完全符合条件,故应选C。

7) B对。逗号后为一完整的句子,逗号前又出现了谓语,那么空白处一定缺起引导从句作用的连词和从句主语,B 完全符合条件,though的用法和although基本相同,意思也相同。C 好像是“that”引导的主语从句,可后面接的并不是谓语,而是一个句子,故C 也不对。D 貌似“it is…that”强调句,但句中缺that,且语法语意混乱。

8) B对。A不对,因为“because of ”(因为) 是成语介词,后面不可接句子,而C和D均不合语法,只有B正确,“it”指代“neon”。

9) C对。本题中的四个选项都是连接词,即都可以引导后面的从句,从语法来说,它们都正确,但从语意及逻辑上看,显然以“〔C〕 because”(表“原因”) 切合题意。

10) B对。本句缺能引导一个从句的连接词,只有B符合条件。

11) C对。whether作为连词,只能放在从句句首,故B 和D 都不符合语法。虽然A中的whether放置于句首,但A 不是一个句子,因此只有C 中的whether才引导了一个状语从句,“whether…or not”在此处表示“无论…”。

12) A对。“where”引导的是地点状语从句,表示“在大西洋通过赤道的地方”。

13) B对。“as claws protect…”表示“正如爪或钳保护…一样”,as引导的是方式状语从句。A 明显不对。C 多“do”,D 好像是“so”引导的倒装句,但“so”不仅无所指代,因为后面不缺任何成分,而且在用“so”倒装句时,“so”前面通常有逗号,并且是“so+助动词(或情态动词等) +主语”结构。

14) A对。从句部分说完整为“When they (glasses) are well fitted”,其中的“they are”被省略掉了。D 中的“If well fitted”本来也正确,但后面多“when”。

15) A对。although后省略了“they (bones) are”,apparently(明显地)是副词,修饰后面的形容词rigid。D 中的are和they顺序有误,否则也同样正确。

16) D对。本句为“连词+现在分词”结构。本回答被提问者采纳