
急,急,急 作业啊!!!!各位精通英语的哥哥姐姐们,帮个忙啊!!!!!!

第1个回答  2011-01-26
We often make dumplings at the midnight of Spring Festival's Eve. My sisters and brothers usually watches TV that shows the celebration of CCTV. Do you known how to celebrate the begining of the chinese new year? Usually, we eat the dumpings which we made at the midnight and hear the bell tone which could show us that the new year is coming. As a child, I often play the firecracker outside with my brothers and sisters.It is always a happy time for us and my family. Because it is the beging of the chinese, famlies often talk with each other. The topics are always about the plans or the holps of this year.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-01-25