

第1个回答  2015-09-06

1.当as… as 中有名词时
as +形容词+ a +单数名词 /as + many/much +名词
This is as good an example as the other is.
I can carry as much paper as you can..
2. 倍数+ as + adj. + as= 倍数+ the+ of,表示倍数的词或其他程度副词做修饰语时放在as前
This room is twice as big as that one. (Your room is the same size as mine.)
This bridge is three times as long as that one. (This bridge is three times the length of that one. )
Your room is twice as large as mine.( Your room is twice the size of mine.)
3.可修饰比较级的词 a bit, a little, much, a lot, still, even,far等
4.many,old 和 far
1) 如果后接名词时, much more +不可数名词 ;many more +可数名词复数
2) old 有两种比较级和最高级形式: older/oldest 和elder/eldest,elder,eldest 只用于兄弟姐妹的长幼关系.My elder brother is an engineer.
3) far 有两种比较级,farther,further. 在英语中两者都可指距离.在美语中,father 表示距离,further表示进一步.I have nothing further to say.
5.the + 最高级 + 比较范围
The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world.
形容词最高级前通常必须用定冠词 the,副词最高级前可不用.
It is a most important problem. =It is a very important problem.
6.“the + 形容词”的两种用法
The rich are apt to look down upon the poor.富人常常轻视穷人.
The poet had an yearning for the supernatural.诗人憧憬超自然的东西.
The unexpected always happens. 天有不测风云.
The wounded and the dying were rushed to hospital. 受伤的人和垂死的人被急送到医院去了.
7. “the+ 比较级+理由”
该句型具有“更加”的意思.常以“all (或much) the+ 比较级”的形式出现.例如:
I am the more inclined to help him because he is poor. 因为他穷,我更想帮他.
It is all the more dangerous for not being generally recognized as such.
The more he flatters me,the less I like him.他越是迎合我,我越不喜欢他.
The higher the mountain is, the more people like to climb it; the more dangerous the mountain is, the more they wish to conquer it.山越高,人越想爬;山越危险,人越想征服它.
这种句型常用省略说法,The sooner,the better.越快越好. More haste,less speed. 欲速则不达.
9.“the last+不定式/形容词从句”.意思是“最不大可能的、最不适的”.
Money is the last thing he wants, and you won’t succeed by offering it.