寻高人:看过<I am sam>英文电影的,帮我写个感人的英文影评或是人物介绍,本人要在英语课上讲故事.

不慎感激,TOT... 我很喜欢这个电影,可是发现它的视频阿,图片阿,英文介绍和影评少之又少,希望集合大家的智慧帮助我一下。也希望也喜欢这部感人电影的同胞们帮帮我!

第1个回答  推荐于2016-03-21
"I Am Sam" is one of the best and underrated films of 2001.

Sam Dawson (Sean Penn) has the intelligence of a seven-year-old. He has a seven-year-old daughter Lucy (the very delightful Dakota Fanning). Child's Services take Lucy away from Sam and Sam hires (probono) lawyer Rita Harrison (Michelle Pfieffer) to defend him and get his daughter back.

The movie has a great script, real characters and although the film was filmed with handheld cameras, I thought the cinematography was extremely unique. I even liked the computer keyboard and high heel noises Sam heard while he was at Rita's law firm office. The DVD extras were fantastic, they showed how Sean Penn prepared for his role as Sam. He imitated mentally-handicapped people in a respectful and dignified way, I really thought he deserved an Academy Award his role. Michelle Pfieffer gives one of the best performances of her career and Dakota Fanning shines in one of her first movie roles.

"I Am Sam" will leave you feeling good inside, this is honestly one of the only movies I have seen where I left the theatre feeling good and seeing the world in a different way. The music, all of which is by the Beatles, is unique and I liked Dianne Wiest as Sam's neighbor Annie. To rekindle the human spirit, "I Am Sam" is the film for you.


第2个回答  2011-04-06