

第1个回答  2022-10-19

英文简写略缩词(contractions) 教学来罗!在英文里面就连主词跟动词,都可以有简写,例如:i’m、We’re、He’s、She’s…等等,这些英文简写词,在英文里面叫做contractions。因为语言本身有着朝向越来越简化的趋势,所以当你听到有人用英文念出这些英文缩写词,可不要听不出来唷,这些英文简写词在口说里面超级常见。


1.英文简略缩词:I, you, he, she, it, we, and they



’m = am (I’m)

’re = are (you’re, we’re, they’re)

’s = is and has (he’s, she’s, it’s)

’ve = have (’ve, you’ve, we’ve, they’ve)

’ll = will (I’ll, you’ll, he’ll, she’ll, it’ll, we’ll, they’ll)

’d = had and would (I’d, you’d, he’d, she’d, it’d, we’d, they’d)

上面要注意的是,’s 有两种可能意思唷,例如 he’s 表达「he has 或是 he is」,所以要根据情境来判断对方到底说的是哪一个。 另外,he’s 不等同于he was 唷,千万别误用啦!

另外he’d 同样有两种情况,分别是he had 跟 he would ,一样要跟情境去判断对方说的是哪个。


下面列出各种助动词在包含了 not 之后的简写。

aren’t = are not (we aren’t, you aren’t)

can’t = cannot

couldn’t = could not

didn’t = did not (I didn’t, they didn’t)

hasn’t = has not

haven’t = have not

isn’t = is not (she isn’t, it isn’t)

mustn’t = must not

shan’t = shall not

shouldn’t = should not

wasn’t = was not

weren’t = were not

won’t = will not

wouldn’t = would not

这里唯一要注意的是,can’t 是 cannot 的英文简写唷,而不是can not,这是比较特例的地方。



My sister’s got married. = My sister has got married.

Here’s the coffee. = Here is the coffee.

There’s your watch. = There is your watch.

Now’s your chance. = Now is your chance.

Where’s the milk? = Where is the milk?

What’s happened? = What has happened?

英文略缩词, 英文简写, 英文简写词, 英文缩写