

第1个回答  2011-07-21
Excuse me ,How can i go to the XXX bookstore? You can
go along this street, turn left at the second street corner,then get across a bridge,and turn right at the first street corner. The bookstore is just over there, left hand, about 200m away.
第2个回答  2011-07-21
How can i get to the XXX bookstore?
Go along this street, turn left at the second crossing, go over a bridge, than turn right at the first crossing. The bookstore is just over there, left hand, about 200m away.

第3个回答  推荐于2016-12-02
最大陆战博物馆(淮海战役纪念馆新馆)   世界最大岩体壁画("汉风新韵")   世界最大太阳能多晶硅生产研发基地   亚洲最大的淡水水族馆(水上世界)   亚洲最大的动漫博物馆(徐州动漫博物馆)   亚洲第二大编组站(徐州北站)   中国首座水下兵马俑陈列馆(徐州水下兵马俑博物馆)   全国最大的汉画像石专题博物馆(徐州汉画像石艺术馆)   全国第一家以煤炭科技和矿山安全为主题的博物馆(本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2011-07-21
A:Excuse me, how can i get to the bookstore?
B:Walk along this street, turn left at the second crossing and go across a street, then turn right at the first corner, the bookstore is right there about 200 meters left hand.