i can speak chinese and english, i'd like to learn some other languages, such as german....

spanish or dutch is ok, too. we can do some language exchange if u r interested..sms me.

第1个回答  2011-05-19
我会讲英语和汉语,我想学习一些其他的语言,像德语…… 西班牙语或者丹麦语也行。我们可以彼此之间相互学习,如果感兴趣的话,请给我回复!
第2个回答  2011-05-19


Professional Provided by BelleFan Translation International
Belle Fan 对外翻译公司专业提供追问

perhaps i can do some part-time C-E translation for u ..lol


hehe,welcome anytime,but first you'd join our translation team named BelFan to participate in answering the questions raised by the public,once you pick the crown,then you'll be our formal one.


so u translate what im asking?


yeah,it's one of my hobbies,so will you be willing to join us??

by the way,are you satisfied with my translation?

Your suggestions and comments will be appreciated.

第3个回答  2011-05-29
i am learning German. and i think that is a good choice. the pronounciation in German is very easy. but you must know that learning language is not an easy thing. all you do is be hard. wish you and me good luck.追问

thanks, guten morgan,,^^

第4个回答  2011-05-24
第5个回答  2011-05-19
German is a little bit hard to learn ,and I think Spanish is a good choice !追问

what's abt dutch?